Page 136 of The Gathering Storm

Aes Sedai. Sensible men stayed away from them when possible, and obeyed them with alacrity when staying away was impossible. Gawyn had trouble doing either; his bloodline prevented staying away, his pride interfered with obeying them. He had supported Elaida in the rebellion not because he liked her—she'd always been cold during her years acting as his mother's advisor. No, he'd supported her because he'd disliked Siuan's treatment of his sister and Egwene.

But would Elaida have treated the girls any better? Would any of them have? Gawyn had made his decision in a moment of passion; it hadn't been the coolheaded act of loyalty that his men assumed.

Where was his loyalty, then?

A few minutes later, footsteps on the stairs and faint voices from the hallway above announced that the Aes Sedai had finished their secret conference. Covarla came down the stairs in red and yellow, saying something to the sisters behind her. "... can't believe the rebels set up their own Amyrlin."

Narenwin—thin and square-faced—came next, nodding. Then, shockingly, Katerine Alruddin walked out of the stairwell behind them. Gawyn stood up straight, stunned. Katerine had left the camp weeks before, the day after Narenwin's arrival. The raven-haired Red had not been part of the original group that was ordered to Dorian, and had used that as an excuse to return to the White Tower.

When had she come back to Dorian? How had she come back? His men would have reported to Gawyn if they'd seen her. He doubted the watchposts could have missed her arrival.

She eyed Gawyn as the three Aes Sedai passed through the kitchen, smiling slyly. She'd noticed his shock.

"Yes," Katerine said, turning to Covarla. "Imagine it—an Amyrlin without an actual seat to sit upon! They're a group of foolish girls creating a child's puppet show with dolls dressed up like their betters. Of course they would pick a wilder to do the duty, and a mere Accepted at that. They knew how pathetic the decision was."

"But at least she was captured," Narenwin noted, pausing at the doorway as Covarla passed through.

Katerine laughed sharply. "Captured and made to howl half the day. I wouldn't want to be that al'Vere girl right now. Of course, it's no less than she deserves for letting them put the Amyrlin's shawl on her shoulders."

What? Gawyn thought with shock.

The three passed out of the kitchen, voices fading. Gawyn barely noticed. He staggered back, hitting the wall for support. It couldn't be! It sounded like . . . Egwene . . . He had to have misheard!

But Aes Sedai couldn't lie. He'd heard rumors that the rebels had their own Hall and Amyrlin . . . but Egwene? It was ridiculous! She was only Accepted!

But who better to set up for a potential fall? Perhaps none of the sisters had been willing to put their necks on the line by taking the title. A younger woman like Egwene would have made a perfect pawn.

Pulling himself together, Gawyn hurried out of the kitchen and after the Aes Sedai. He passed into the late afternoon to find Vasha standing, mouth drooping, as she stared at Katerine. Apparently, Gawyn wasn't the only one shocked by the Red's sudden return.

Gawyn caught Tando, one of the Youngling guards at the front of the building, by the arm. "Did you see her enter the building?"

The young Andoran shook his head. "No, my Lord. One of the men inside reported seeing her meet with the other Aes Sedai—she came down out of the attic suddenly, it seems. But none of the guards knows how she got in!"

Gawyn released the soldier and dashed after Katerine. He caught up to the three women in the middle of the dusty town square. All three turned ageless faces toward him, wearing identical thin-mouthed frowns. Covarla's eyes were particular harsh, but Gawyn didn't care if they took the Younglings from him or if they tied him up in air. Humiliation didn't matter. Only one thing mattered.

"Is it true?" he demanded. Then, cringing, he forced respect into his voice. "Please, Katerine Sedai. Is it true what I overheard you saying about the rebels and their Amyrlin?"

She eyed him, measuring him. "I suppose it would be good to pass this news among your soldiers. Yes, the rebel Amyrlin has been captured."

"And her name?" Gawyn asked.

"Egwene al'Vere," Katerine said. "Let the rumors spread truth, for once." She nodded to him with dismissive curtness, then began walking with the other two again. "Put what I have taught you to good use. The Amyrlin insists that the raids be stepped up, and these weaves should lend you unprecedented mobility. Don't be surprised if the rebels anticipate you, however. They know that we have their so-called Amyrlin, and have probably guessed that we have the new weaves as well. It won't be long before Traveling is had by all. Use the edge you've been given before it dulls."

Gawyn was barely listening. A piece of his mind was shocked. Traveling? A thing of legends. Was that how Gareth Bryne was keeping his army supplied?

However, the greater part of Gawyn's brain was still numb. Siuan Sanche had been stilled and slated for execution, and she had simply been a deposed Amyrlin. What would they do with a false Amyrlin, a leader of a rebel faction?

Made to howl half the day. . , .

Egwene was being tortured. She would be stilled! She probably had been already. After that, she would be executed. Gawyn watched the three Aes Sedai walk away. Then he turned slowly, strangely calm, laying his hand on the pommel of his sword.

Egwene was in trouble. He blinked deliberately, standing in the square, cattle calling distantly, water bubbling in the canal beside him.

Egwene would be executed.

Where is your loyalty, Gawyn Trakand?

He crossed the village, walking with a strangely sure step. The Younglings would be unreliable in an action against the White Tower. He couldn't use them to mount a rescue. But he was unlikely to be able to manage one on his own. That left him with only one option.