He shifts uncomfortably in his chair until it creaks under his weight. “I assumed your father would have spoken to you about it. Students with extensive medical problems tend to build relationships with nursing staff early on. It’s our understanding that you’ve had some issues in the past…”

Issues. What exactly has my father told the school? I’m sure the file transferred from my old one says plenty about me without his influence. My twin died, I missed too many days because of the same disease that killed her, and now I’m here. But did Dad emphasize that I’m better than I was in their apparent conversation about me?

My spine straightens. “My father must have forgotten to mention it to me. But it’s not something I need to do, so—”

“All due respect, Ms. Matterson—”

“It’s Emery or Em.”

He nods once. “Emery,” he corrects, “I agree with your father that it’s of the utmost importance you get comfortable with the nurse here. Things happen despite medication and self care. If there’s an emergency, it’s best Ms. Gilly knows what to do.”

Like call 911?

Biting back the retort, I force myself to nod because arguing with the principal doesn’t seem like a smart thing to do. I’ve never gotten in trouble before and don’t plan to start now.

“If you don’t mind me saying, the guidance counselor also does sessions for those who grieve the loss of loved ones. Perhaps you’ll find a friend in her as well.”

I’m sure he means well by the suggestion, but it doesn’t sit well with me. “Principal Richman, my sister died nine years ago. I may never move on from that, but I have learned to cope all on my own by now.”

He flattens his already pristine shirt. “I won’t force you into anything, then. Come on, I’ll show you to the nurse’s office.”

Before we make it to his door, the nasally secretary with box dyed blonde hair and thick glasses calls out his name. “The new high school English teacher is here for your meeting.” The way she eyes me has me narrowing mine before glancing at the half empty hallway.

Principal Richman sighs and gives me an indecisive stare. Shifting from one foot to the other, I grip the strap hanging on my shoulder. “I can find my way. I brought the map that came with the schedule.”

There’s still time to make it before second period, so I’m thankful when his expression turns from reluctance to relief over my suggestion. I’m sure he doesn’t want to give the new student a tour anyway.

“The high school classrooms are all on the eastern wing of the second floor, separated from the new middle school wing, just up the spiral staircase down the hall. I’m sure if need be, we can get your stepbrother to show you around.” He clears his throat for what seems to be the thirtieth time. “Kaiden Monroe, if memory serves, correct?”

I nod.

He purses his lips. “Well then, you best be off. Welcome to Exeter High, Ms. Matterson. We’re happy to have you.”

I don’t bother correcting him on my name.

Logan would have.

Chapter Two

There’s a freckle on my wrist that keeps my full attention during last period. It’s been a quiet, uneventful day and I’m glad. Minimal staring, no trouble getting a table at lunch, and nobody to ask me to recite fun facts about myself.

I’ve made mental notes to myself throughout the day. There’s no time to stop by your locker in between the morning periods, so just carry your bag. The lunchroom is like a mosh pit scattered with rectangular and circular tables, with no particular cliques like the high schools in movies. UGG boots are making a comeback.

Personally, I’m not sure how I feel about any of those things. My shoulder aches from carrying my backpack on it all morning, the lunchroom was too loud from the chatter, and UGG boots have always been hideous. Then again, my pineapple Toms get just as much judgmental glances.

What strikes the most interest to me is watching Kaiden interact with his peers—boys in letterman jackets and girls who twirl

their hair and bat their lashes at them. He’s popular here, an entirely new person. He talks and jokes and argues. People seem to love him despite equally seeming to envy him.

I wonder why he isn’t that way at home. Does his mother know how he acts at school? I heard a pink-haired girl tell her friend at lunch that he’s going to take the lacrosse team to the national championship this year. She said it’ll be his farewell, his sendoff before graduation. Does Cam go to his games? Dad mentioned he played, but never said if they attended any events.

Brushing the thoughts off, I focus back on my surroundings. Ninth period. Two twenty-five. There’s twenty-three minutes left until my first day at Exeter is complete. Only two hundred and sixty-nine more to go until junior year is over.

Advanced English drags. Between exhaustion seeping into my bones from first day jitters, to the noise level of the packed classroom, it puts me on edge and keeps me glancing up at the black clock on the wall off to the side. I swear barely five seconds pass each time. I can feel a flare forming, which hopefully a nap before dinner will ease before it gets worse.

Instead of focusing on the mindless conversations Mr. Nichols, a young twenty-something fresh out of grad school, lets us have after he explains class expectations at the beginning of the period, I look at the artwork littering the colorful walls. They’re scenes from books, I realize. By the looks of it, each wall is a different novel ranging from To Kill a Mockingbird to The Hunger Games.

Someone drops into the seat beside me, scraping the metals legs against the tile floor. I peel my gaze off the walls to see Kaiden staring at me with indifference. The redheaded boy that occupied the chair before is now across the room, staring wide-eyed in our direction.