I’ll be here.

“I wouldn’t redo anything, Mama.”

She blinks up at me.

“Because we can’t change anything.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven

The metal bleachers are uncomfortable to sit still on while I watch boys in running shorts and baggy muscle shirts sprint across the gym. Mr. Jefferson didn’t want me coming in during practice, but Kaiden said something to him that made Coach grumble before waving me off to the side. Honestly, I wouldn’t have minded going to the library and doing some reading in chairs that didn’t make my tailbone hurt. I promised Kaiden I’d watch him though, and the smile he graced me with made the discomfort worth it.

After the first half hour of practice, Jefferson changed up their drills. I tried following along to the things he yelled from the sidelines, but got lost almost instantly. It reminds me of the times I would sit next to Dad while he watched football. To me, it was a bunch of men running after a ball in tight pants. Dad loved it though.

When the boys were split into teams, I watched Kaiden in his element. It didn’t take long to see why everyone said he was one of the best players the school had. He dominated the floor, flying past his opponents and making the most goals.

At almost four, I get up to go to the bathroom, slipping out while Kaiden battles it out with one of his buddies. I smile when I hear them banter before disappearing out the side door. Most of the people on the team are all friends, so watching them taunt each other makes me laugh. Kaiden may be formidable in the halls, but he’s the version I’m used to seeing when he’s playing.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been having so much back pain that I psyched myself out enough to Google for answers. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t noticed slight spotting after peeing with no period following. Usually I refuse to use the internet to scour for answers, but worrying Dad and Cam seems pointless if I could talk myself down from the feeling in my gut that says something is off. The only thing that made sense was a possible bladder or kidney infection, so I asked Dad for vitamins and cranberry gummies and told him it was just something new I was trying.

I keep telling myself they’ll help, but the blood still shows up and the pain, though tolerable half the time, is still present.

I’m on my way back to the gym when I see Mr. Nichols walking down the hall. Smiling, I give him a small wave and hesitate at the gym door, noticing the boys in an intense match against each other like when I left.

“Emery,” Nichols greets. He glances in the small window. “Ah, lacrosse season. Kaiden plays, doesn’t he?”

I nod, rubbing my arm. “He’s my ride home, so I figured I’d watch him play since everyone says he’s so good.”

“What’s your verdict?”

Giving him a tiny smile, I shrug. “I’m not an expert in anything sports related, so I couldn’t say for sure. He makes a lot of goals, which I assume is the whole point.”

He chuckles. “Not a sports fan, huh?”


He watches the boys again, before turning back to me. “How have things been going? It seems strange not to have Book Club obligations after school.”

“Seems like you’re still busy.” I gesture toward the stack of papers he must have had copied from the teacher’s lounge down the hall.

“A teacher’s job never ends,” he muses.

We fall to silence.

I jab my thumb to the gymnasium door, clearing my throat. “I should probably get back in there before Kaiden thinks I ditched him.”

Just as I pull the door open, he says, “I don’t know what you did, but he’s changed considerably. I hear the other teachers talk about his behavior. You’re good for him.”

Blushing, I brush hair behind my ear. “I don’t think it’s me. Trust me, Kaiden is his own person.”

He just smiles. “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Emery. I don’t believe in coincidences, and it sounds like he changed when you came here.”

Waving it off, I try thinking of a reply that dismisses his assumption. “Maybe he just got tired of pretending to be someone he’s not. I hear that happens when you’re graduating.”

He hums out a reply, seemingly not believing me. “Speaking of, what are your plans for next year?”

My brows go up. “Oh, uh…” I make a face, toying with the partially opened door. “I haven’t really thought about it honestly.”

“Have you considered taking a few college credited classes? I’m offering one for English and I know a few other teachers are too. It could help you get some General Education credits out of the way.”