Page 155 of Hamlet

53 usurp'st wrongfully occupies (both the night and the form of the dead king) 55 Denmark the King of Denmark

56 sometimes formerly

56 charge order

63 on't of it

65 sensible perceptible to the senses

65 avouch assurance

70 Norway King of Norway

71 parle negotiation

72 steeled pole-axe halberd or similar long-handled weapon (tempered with steel) carried by the bodyguard of a king 76 In ... not i.e. I don't know exactly what to think

76 work occupy myself, engage

77 gross and scope general drift

78 eruption disturbance, turmoil

79 Good now a polite entreaty for attention

81 toils causes to toil

81 subject subjects

82 cast casting, manufacturing

82 brazen brass

83 mart trading

84 impress conscription

85 Does ... week i.e. they work seven days a week including Sundays 86 toward impending/afoot

90 whisper rumor

93 Thereto ... pride refers to Fortinbras, not Hamlet, the Danish king 93 pricked spurred

93 emulate ambitious, rivalrous

96 sealed compact formally certified agreement

99 seized on legally possessed of

100 moiety competent sufficient portion

101 gaged pledged

101 had returned would have gone

103 cov'nant i.e. the sealed compact

104 carriage ... designed carrying out of the clause that had been drawn up in it 106 unimproved untested/undisciplined/uncensured