Page 195 of Hamlet

160 level directly

165 virtue power, efficacy

167 turns the beam tilts the crossbar of the scales (i.e. tips in our favor) 171 Nature human nature

171 fine in refined by

172 instance sign, token

173 After ... loves i.e. after Polonius, to the grave 174 bier movable stand on which a corpse is carried to the grave 175 Hey ... nonny a refrain more usually associated with merry love songs 179 move affect (me)/persuade

180 You Ophelia assigns parts to the individuals in the room "a-down ... a-down-a" well-known refrains 181 wheel refrain

181 false ... daughter refers to a story or ballad that remains unidentified 183 This ... matter this nonsense is actually more meaningful than sane talk/this nonsense contains significance that is beyond the reach of sense 184 rosemary herb symbolizing remembrance

185 pansies flowers symbolic of love, named from French pensees (thoughts) 186 document lesson

187 fitted put together

188 fennel herb said to symbolize flattery

188 columbines flowers symbolic of infidelity

188 rue herb symbolizing repentance

190 o'Sundays on Sundays

190 difference variation on a coat of arms to distinguish different members or branches of a family (or Ophelia may simply mean "differently") 191 daisy possibly symbolic of deception; alternatively, a springtime flower associated with love 191 violets flowers symbolic of faithfulness and of chastity 194 For ... joy a line from a well-known song

195 Thought melancholy

195 passion extreme grief

196 favour charm, attractiveness

203 flaxen white

203 poll head, i.e. hair

205 cast away moan waste our laments

206 Gramercy great mercy

207 God buy ye goodbye (literally, "God be with you")

211 whom whichever of

212 'twixt between

213 collateral indirect

214 touched implicated

222 trophy memorial

222 hatchment tablet bearing the coat of arms of the dead person, placed over the tomb 223 ostentation ceremony

225 That so that