Page 180 of Hamlet

79 spurns kicks

80 of ... takes receives from those who are unworthy

81 quietus discharge of debts (i.e. death)

82 bare mere/unsheathed

82 bodkin dagger/awl/pointed instrument

82 fardels burdens

85 bourn boundary

86 puzzles bewilders, confounds

89 conscience consciousness/introspection/awareness of right and wrong 90 native hue natural color

91 cast tinge, shade

92 pith and moment substance and importance

94 Soft you wait a moment

95 orisons prayers

100 remembrances keepsakes, love tokens

110 honest chaste

112 fair beautiful

114 your ... beauty your chastity should hold no dealings with your beauty/your chastity should not permit anyone to converse with your beauty 116 commerce interaction (Hamlet picks up on the sense of "sexual dealings") 120 his its (i.e. honesty's)

121 sometime once

121 paradox seemingly absurd statement/observation that contradicts commonly held beliefs 124 virtue ... it virtue cannot be so successfully grafted onto an old sinful tree without some flavor of sin being retained 127 nunnery convent, playing on slang sense of "brothel"

128 indifferent honest moderately virtuous

131 beck command

142 calumny slander

144 monsters men with unfaithful wives were traditionally supposed to grow horns 147 paintings use of cosmetics

149 amble walk with an easy (or an exaggerated) motion

149 lisp speak in an affected manner

150 make ... ignorance use innocence as an excuse for behavior that is willful/affected/promiscuous 151 on't of it

157 expectancy hope

158 glass of fashion mirror on whose image men model themselves 158 form etiquette/ideal pattern

164 blown blooming

165 Blasted with ecstasy destroyed by madness