Page 98 of Macbeth

es doubts

129undivulged pretense secret purposes

138near nearer

138-39the near...bloody i.e., the closer we are to Duncan in blood, the more likely we are to be killed

140lighted landed

142dainty of scrupulous about

143shift steal; warrant justification

II.4 Somewhere outside the castle

1Threescore and ten seventy years

4trifled...knowings made former experiences seem trifling

5as...act as if troubled by the actions of men

7traveling lamp i.e., the sun

8predominance powerful influence

12tow'ring soaring

13mousing owl owl that preys on mice (a mere domestic predator); hawked at caught on the wing

15minions favorites (the most highly prized)

16flung out lunged about

24pretend expect; suborned bribed

28Thriftless wasteful; ravin up greedily devour

29like likely

31named chosen; Scone (where Scottish kings traditionally were crowned; near Perth)

32invested crowned

33Colmekill (the island of Iona, in the Hebrides, burial place of the ancient Scottish kings)

40benison blessing

III.1 The royal castle at Forres

4stand...posterity continue through your heirs

7shine look auspicious

10 s.d.Sennet trumpet salute

13allthing altogether

14solemn supper formal banquet