Page 96 of Macbeth

7That so that

11Confounds defeats

26That so that

27addressed them prepared

30As as if; hangman's hands executioner's hands (hence, bloody)

40knits...sleave smooths the tangled skein

42second course the main, and most satisfying, course (sleep, after labor)

48unbend slacken

50witness evidence

59gild paint

65incarnadine redden

66the green one Neptune's ocean (l. 63); most editors, following Johnson, take "one" to mean "uniformly," but F has a comma after "one"

72left you unattended deserted you

73nightgown dressing gown

74watchers i.e., awake


2 old too much

4Beelzebub one of the biblical devils

4-5farmer...plenty (because a crop surplus would lower prices and diminish his profit)

5Come in time you've come at the right time

5-6napkins enow enough handkerchiefs (to wipe away the sweat caused by hellfire)

8equivocator deceiver, prevaricator (here alluding to the equivocating testimony given by the Jesuit conspirators in the Gunpowder Plot, 1605)

13stealing...hose (probably skimping on material in the making of French hose, which were tight-fitting, and hence would lead to discovery)

14roast your goose heat your iron (a goose is a long-handled tailor's iron)

19remember i.e., tip

22-23second cock second crowing of the cock (i.e., till early morning)

26nose-painting i.e., a red nose (from habitual drunkenness)

32stand to grow erect

33equivocates...sleep i.e., satisfies him only by putting him to sleep

33 -34giving...lie (1) deceiving him (because he cannot perform sexually), (2) overthrowing him, (3) making him lose his erection, (4) accusing him of lying