Page 92 of Macbeth

113vantage assistance

117behind still to come

120home all the way

126deepest consequence the crucial sequel

127Cousins i.e., f

ellow lords

128swelling act developing drama

136seated fixed

137use normal habit

139fantastical imaginary

140single state of man both undivided and weak human condition; function the power to act

145strange new i.e., the worst day comes to an end

149favor pardon

155free hearts thoughts freely

I.4 Duncan's camp

2in commission commissioned to carry out the execution

9studied rehearsed

10owed owned

16before ahead in deserving

19proportion satisfactory apportioning

27Safe fitting

28plant nurture

34Wanton unrestrained

39Prince of Cumberland (equivalent to the English Prince of Wales, the designated heir to the throne)

52wink at the hand disregard what the hand does

I.5 Within Macbeth's castle at Inverness

2perfect'st report most reliable evidence

6missives messengers

17catch...way take the most direct route