Page 106 of Macbeth

7titles rights, what he is entitled to

9wants lacks

14coz (from "cousin," an affectionate diminutive)

15school control

16-17knows...season understands the violent conditions of the time

18-19we...ourselves we are considered traitors and do not know that we are

19-20hold...fear believe rumors based on what we fear

22Each way and none i.e., move every which way but in no settled direction

24will cease i.e., can get no worse

29my disgrace (because he would weep)

35lime birdlime (a sticky substance used to catch birds)

36gin trap

42sell deceive them

43-44with...thee inde

ed, you are witty enough

48swears and lies takes a vow and violates it

57enow enough

66in...perfect I am well aware of your nobility and virtue; state of honor (1) high status, (2) honorable character

67doubt fear

68homely plain

71fell deadly

72nigh near (i.e., I frighten you to save you from the worse cruelty threatening you)

83shag-haired unkempt, uncouth

84, 84egg, fry offspring of birds and fish, respectively

IV.3 In England, at the court of King Edward the Confessor

3fast tightly; mortal deadly

4downfall fallen; birthdom (1) homeland, (2) inheritance

8Like...dolor the same cry of grief

10to friend befriending me (i.e., propitious)

12sole name name alone