Somehow, my father and I finally reached the end of the petal-strewn pathway. I took the final step, kissed my father good-bye, and barely breathed as he placed my hand in Thomas’s waiting grasp. It did not escape my notice that he appeared to be the heir to a dynasty.

Thomas Cresswell looked more regal than Prince Albert. His black suit was tailored perfectly to his frame, hugging the angles and lines that were so sharp they made one consider sinking to one’s knees in supplication. Surely he had to be an angel sent directly from Heaven.

His hair was styled with pomade and his eyes were filled with a steadiness I didn’t know I’d been craving until I drank it in. I spied an orchid dusted with glitter—my favorite flower—pinned to his lapel, and any remaining tension left my limbs at once. That dear detail was all Thomas, and I had to remind myself to not kiss him senselessly. It looked like a painting he’d created of an orchid with stars within its petals. After deducing how much I favored the flower, he’d married our two loves together. Much like we were about to do.

I clasped his hands and he took a deep, shuddering breath. My gaze immediately dropped to his lips and lingered. I wondered if flashes of last night were playing across his mind, or if I was truly the only devious one.

“You are exquisite, Audrey Rose,” he whispered.

I allowed one more, indecently long assessment of his form, much to the priest’s dismay. His suit stretched across broad shoulders, and silver thread trimmed the collar, matching the silver whorls in his dark gray waistcoat. He was utterly magnificent. I recalled another time I’d had similar thoughts back in Romania. I hadn’t been truthful then. I’d not keep my heart from him now. “You’re devastatingly handsome, Thomas.”

His grin was so radiant, he practically beamed. The priest cleared his throat, holding his prayer book up, likely reminding us we were in a house of God and were not yet married. If he was that put out by our appreciative glances, he’d likely go up in fire and brimstone if he knew we’d already consummated our marriage. Three times last night.

And once this morning.

“Will you, Thomas James Dorin cel Rau Cresswell, take Audrey Rose Aadhira Wadsworth to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”

Thomas gently ran his thumb over my knuckles. “I will.”

The priest nodded. “Very good. Audrey—”

“I will love and honor you every second, every minute, every hour of the day,” Thomas continued, stepping closer. “I vow to seek your counsel on all matters,

both big and small, and to cherish you with each breath in my lungs. I promise to never make the same mistake twice, to make it my daily duty to see you smile, and to hold your hand through each challenge, each victory, and each new adventure this life brings our way.” He slipped a wedding band next to my engagement ring, never taking his gaze from mine. “From this day until my last, I vow to love and hold you, as my equal in all ways, Audrey Rose.”

Someone gasped from the pews at his shocking declaration. Distantly I heard a door open and close, but I couldn’t tear my attention away from Thomas. A woman was supposed to honor and obey her husband in all things. What Thomas had promised was freedom and respect for the remainder of our lives. He’d said as much plenty of times in private, but to do so in front of an entire chapel full of witnesses…

I swallowed hard, tears welling, as he offered me an encouraging nod. I could practically see the words he’d said to me a thousand times before dancing across his expression. Expect a lifetime full of surprises.

“Yes, well.” The priest turned to me, face stern. “Audrey Rose Aadhira Wadsworth, will you take Thomas James Dorin cel Rau Cresswell as your wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey him till death do you part?”

My heart felt as if it were ready to burst through my chest as I stared into Thomas’s eyes. I took his other hand in mine and stepped near enough to require tilting my head back as I slowly placed a ring on the tip of his finger, waiting until our vows were complete before I secured it on him. We’d chosen matching bands—two serpents entwined in an infinity symbol.

And if someone knew to look carefully enough, they’d recognize they were actually dragons, symbolic of his mother’s lineage. Thomas smiled down at me, his expression unabashedly open. I lightly squeezed his hands as I drew in a deep breath.

“I will.” I pulled him nearer still, ignoring the disapproving grunt from the priest. “I promise to love and challenge you, to remind you to don warmth as much as you wear that cool, scientific exterior I adore so much. I vow to always remain the woman you fell in love with. I will honor you by never being afraid to express my opinion, to love you without limits, and to tell you each day of our lives how incredible you are. How kind and gentle and intelligent. I promise to love you with every part of me now until our next lifetime. I love you, Thomas James Dorin cel Rau Cresswell, now and forever more.”

Footsteps sounded behind us, but I didn’t quite care who we’d offended with our proclamations. Let them leave. This moment was ours. Despite the enchanted forest setting, standing here, in front of Thomas, it was the simple wedding we’d wished for all along—a day where we could speak to each other from our hearts as if it were just the two of us.

The priest drew in a long, measured breath. “If no one sees fit to object to this… ceremony… yet, then I now pronounce you husband and—”

“Pardon my interruption,” a new voice said. “I’m afraid this wedding cannot continue.”

Thomas and I—along with the rest of the church—turned, the combined sound of rustling silks like bird wings flapping in the chapel. An attractive young woman in a claret traveling dress was halfway down the aisle, advancing on the altar with an envelope clutched in her gloved hands.

“Who is that?” I swiveled my attention back on Thomas, expecting a shrug. Instead, he’d gone exceptionally pale. His reaction set off shrill warning bells in my head. “Thomas?”

His throat bobbed as he swallowed down some emotion—fear? “Merciful God above.”

“What?” I asked, looking between him and the young woman. My heart had now taken full flight. It was pounding so hard I felt faint. “Who is she? What’s happening?”

He stared, unblinking, for what felt like a full minute before mustering up a response. Perhaps he thought this was some dream. Or a nightmare, given the way he’d stopped breathing.

“That’s Miss W-Whitehall.”

“Not for long, silly.” Miss Whitehall, who’d continued her slow march toward us, turned a dazzling smile on the priest. “You see, Thomas and I are betrothed.”

“What?” My voice echoed around the chapel. Thomas’s ring fell from my hands, the tinny sound much too loud for such a grand space. No one moved to pick it up. I swore the earth tilted on its axis or perhaps Liza had pulled my corset too tight. It sounded as if she’d said she was betrothed to Thomas. My Thomas. The man I gave myself to last night. The man who—moments ago—swore to love me forever. The man I’d just exchanged rings with. Well, almost. I could still faintly pick out the sound of the gold band as it rolled to a stop. It was odd, hearing something so insignificant while my heart cracked wide open.