Thomas snorted, but the young prince kept his gaze locked onto mine. I inhaled sharply, but made sure surprise didn’t show in my features, assuming he’d dropped his title in hopes of seeing the reaction he’d gotten from some other young men and women.

My suspicion was confirmed when his smile faltered, then vanished altogether the longer I went without reacting. I’d not allow myself to be treated so poorly, then swoon in the next breath. His title could likely buy much, but it couldn’t purchase my affections.

The entire room went silent as a church service while they waited for me to speak. Or bow. I was probably breaking all manner of protocol by not standing immediately and dropping into a curtsy. I smiled sweetly and leaned in.

“I’d say it was pleasant meeting you, Your Highness, but I was raised to not utter untruths.”

To keep from being entirely improper, I offered a slight incline of my head and stood. The expression on Prince Nicolae’s face was exceptional. As if I’d discarded my glove and slapped him with it in front of all these witnesses. I almost felt sorry for him—it was probably the first time anyone had offended him so ruthlessly. Whatever was he to do with someone who wouldn’t hang on his every princely word?

“Mr. Cresswell,” I nodded toward my friend, “I’ll meet you outside.”

The boy with the red curls, sitting nearby, shook his head as I gathered my skirts. I couldn’t tell

if he was impressed or disgusted by my audacity. Without looking back, I left the room. Clanking sounds of forks falling onto plates, mixed with Thomas’s deep chuckle, accompanied me into the hall, where I allowed myself a small laugh of my own. Even the Italian brothers had lifted their attention from their studies, their eyes wide as petri dishes.

My satisfaction was cut short when I noticed Headmaster Moldoveanu standing there near the open doorway, vein pulsing in his forehead. He moved swiftly toward me, and I swore a great winged beast was prowling along behind, talons scraping the stone. I blinked. It was only his shadow, made enormous by the torchlight.

“Careful whom you make enemies of, Miss Wadsworth. I’d hate for more tragedy to befall your already fractured family. From my understanding, the Wadsworth name and lineage are nearly wiped from existence.”

I flinched. Father had posted a rather vague obituary regarding my brother’s death, though the headmaster sounded as if he suspected foul play. He inspected me closely, lip peeled back in what was either a smile or sneer.

“I wonder how strong your father would remain should something terrible happen to his last remaining child. Opium is an unpleasant habit. Rather hard to recover from completely. I’m sure you’re aware of that, though. You seem to be mildly intelligent. For a girl. I hope I’ve made myself clear.”

“How did you—”

“It is my duty to unearth every morsel about prospective students. And I do mean every crumb. Do not make the mistake of believing your secrets remain yours. I uncover them from both the dead and the living. I find truth pays quite well once discovered.”

A coil of slick fear twisted in my intestines. He was threatening me, and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. He stared a beat longer, as if he could glare me from existence, then marched into the dining hall. I slumped only after he’d made it to the far side of the room.

“Breakfast is now over,” he announced. “You may do as you wish for the remainder of the day.”

I quickly ran to my room to fetch my winter coat and a new pair of gloves, anxious to be outside this wretched castle and its miserable inhabitants.





“Prince Pompous might not be your biggest admirer, Wadsworth.” Thomas nudged me with his shoulder, doing a terrible job of hiding his pleasure at my new mortal enemy. “Once Moldoveanu left, he even broke a plate against the wall and cut his fingers. Blood splattered in the eggs. Very dramatic.”

“You sound a bit jealous you didn’t think to break glassware first.”

I slipped over an icy paving stone, and Thomas steadied me, slowly dropping my arm and standing at an almost respectable distance. Excitement was present in each of his motions. He was practically skipping to Brasov, also known as the Crown’s City, according to his endless banter.

I’d watched Wilhelm scurry out of the castle, staggering a bit here and there, and rushed to grab Thomas. I wished to speak with the boy and ask what he’d seen on the train, though he seemed intent on evading me at all costs. His avoidance only made his guilt seem more likely.

Wilhelm’s skin appeared a bit… I couldn’t be sure. The olive tone looked as if it had been almost entirely replaced with dark patches. As if fever had brought on deep flushing. I could have sworn it was even worse than in the dining hall. I tried to think of any known infection that would cause two different rashes but failed to recollect even one. It certainly wasn’t scarlet fever—I’d know those symptoms anywhere.

We trailed far enough behind Wilhelm that he either didn’t notice us or assumed we were heading into the village for our own purposes. I wanted to study him, see where he was going first. Then perhaps we’d gain some extra insight. If we assaulted him with questions now, he’d likely change his course. I’d filled Thomas in on my suspicions, and he agreed it was the best action to take.

I kept my attention on the ground, noting the footprints Wilhelm left behind in the newly fallen snow and the even strides he’d made. The staggering seemed to have stopped, though a fresh patch of steaming vomit lay just off the trail. I did not inspect it closely and moved along as fast as I could. Maybe Wilhelm was simply on his way to see someone about a remedy for his ailment. Though why he would travel to the village and not inquire about a doctor in the castle was strange.

I stuck my hands in my pockets and nearly slipped again. I’d forgotten about the parchment with all the fuss in the dining hall. I glanced around, ensuring that Thomas and I were alone on the trail save for Wilhelm, who was too far ahead to pay us any mind. I stopped and dug around my pocket, realizing the paper was no longer there.

“Tell me I didn’t quit my unseemly smoking habit only for you to pick it up.”