He stood there with his arms tensing by his sides, his soft but enormous dick hanging between his legs. His eyes were wide with rage, and it seemed like he wanted to grab me by both arms and throw me around.

“I’ve never been so disappointed in you.” I lay down and pulled the blanket to my shoulder before I stared at the fire. I didn’t want to look at him right then. I wanted nothing to do with him.

He continued to stand there like he didn’t know what else to do. Then he moved to the other couch and got as comfortable as possible, his feet hanging over the edge because he was too big for the piece of furniture. “Go to bed. I’ll stay here.” He brought the conversation to a close by turning silent.

I couldn’t believe that this was really happening, that Griffin really didn’t think he owed me an apology. I left my stuff behind and walked into the bedroom, making sure to slam the door as hard as I could just so he would hear the echo.

I got into bed, but I couldn’t sleep, either because I was too pissed off or because my husband wasn’t beside me.

Maybe it was both.

Griffin was sitting on the couch when I woke up the next morning. He’d just finished his coffee, and he was on his phone, wearing the clothes he was wearing yesterday. He didn’t look up to greet me, ignoring me the way I ignored him.

I grabbed my purse off the table along with my phone and headed to the door.

“Vanessa.” Griffin’s deep voice made me stop in my tracks.

I slowly turned around, looking him in the eye while mirroring his same look of fury. “Griffin.”

He rose to his feet and placed his phone in his pocket. “You put yourself in danger, and that’s unacceptable.”

“Put myself in danger?” I asked incredulously, having no idea what he was talking about.

“Don’t play stupid,” he hissed.

“I had no idea he was going to be there until he walked in the door. It’s not like I planned it—”

“But you didn’t call me. You should have fucking called me.” He slammed his hand into his chest hard, turning barbaric. “It’s my job to protect you, and we both know I take my job fucking seriously. And that’s my son in there.” He placed his hand against my stomach, being delicate despite the way he’d just slammed his hand into his body. “How dare you bring him around the biggest crime lord in the damn country? That’s unforgivable, Vanessa.”

“You really think Carmen would bring him around if he was ever going to hurt me?”

“Well, she’s an idiot for getting involved with him in the first place.”

“Am I an idiot for getting involved with you?” I countered.

That shut him up.

“You’re overreacting. Bosco was nothing but polite, friendly, and kind. He didn’t exhibit any of the traits you’ve credited him with. And when you were going ape-shit crazy on him, he didn’t fight back. He called off his dogs. He’s proven he’s not a threat to us, Griffin. So how dare you get so angry with me?”

“Because.” He ground his jaw tightly. “You had no idea what his plan was. You should have called me.” He slammed his hand into his chest like an animal once more. “You are my wife and my responsibility. We have a son, and we can’t take any chances. You have no idea what I went through when you were taken from me. And if that happened again…but with my son inside you…” He shook his head as his nostrils flared, like he couldn’t say any more. “You should have called me. So when you apologize for that, I’ll consider apologizing to you.”

I’d never seen Griffin behave so arrogantly. I knew he was still pissed off so he couldn’t see clearly, but it was still ridiculous. “You’re overreacting. If Bosco wanted to hurt any of us, he would have done it already. He loves Carmen, and I can see it written all over his face without him saying it. Maybe he’s not Prince Charming, but neither were you. And maybe that’s not what Carmen wants. I understand you’re paranoid because of the things that have happened in the past, but you need to let that go.”

“Let that go?” he asked coldly. His hands shook by his sides like he wanted to slam both of them into his chest and break himself in half. “You were the most important thing to me, and my life wasn’t worth living without you. But now that I feel my son kick, hear his heartbeat…I’ve come to realize that I love him more than I will ever love you. It fucking hurts, Vanessa. I love him so much it kills me. So I can’t think straight when it comes to him. If there’s any chance of something happening to him, I can’t risk it. We’re in this together, and you should have talked to me. Don’t pretend the thought didn’t cross your mind when you saw him walk in that restaurant. Don’t fucking lie to me.”