He was on me with a speed that contradicted his size. He grabbed me by the neck then punched me so hard I careened into the wall.

Everyone in the restaurant turned at the commotion, but no one intervened, probably because Griffin was unstoppable.

My men would move in any second now.

“Griffin!” Vanessa ran around the table and tried to grab his arm.

Carmen moved in the way, placing her body in front of mine.

It took me a second to recover because I wasn’t expecting to be hit like that out of nowhere. “Carmen, move.” I got to my feet and gently pushed her out of the way. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Griffin’s nostrils flared like a bull, and all his muscles bulged with enough thickness to stop a piercing bullet. “Stay the fuck away from my wife. You fucking piece of shit.” He grabbed me by the throat and bashed my head into the wall.

“Stop it!” Carmen shoved him as hard as she could.

I was powerless to do anything, since I promised Carmen I would never hurt her family. I just had to take it.

My men came in with their weapons drawn. The barrels were pointed right at Griffin’s head, and they were ready to pull the trigger. “Stand down. Leave.” I leaned against the wall, barely able to stand because my head was throbbing from hitting the wall twice. “Leave him be…”

They filed out, listening to my order because they knew what would happen if they didn’t.

Carmen moved in front of me again, pressing her back into my chest so Griffin would have to hit her if he wanted to strike me again. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

Griffin’s face was tomato red with rage. He raised his muscular arm and pointed his finger in my face. “My wife is off-limits. I told you to stay the fuck away from her. Come near my wife or my son, and I’ll fucking kill you next time.”

“Griffin, he wasn’t hurting me,” Vanessa said. “We were just having lunch—”

“Shut up.” He didn’t look at her as he silenced her. “I’ll deal with you later.”

Vanessa’s rage was even more potent than his. Her hands moved to her hips as she seemed to grow twice in size. She stared at the side of her husband’s face, her eyes filled with wrath and threat. “Excuse me?”

Griffin ignored her. “I’m not kidding, Bosco. I have no control over Carmen’s life. But I don’t want you anywhere near my wife without me standing there. Do it again, and I’ll put you in the ground. I don’t give a shit if your dogs come after me and put me in the ground with you.”

Despite my migraine, I admired his commitment.

“Griffin.” Carmen’s voice had softened, filling with heavy disappointment. “I was the only one who took your side when it mattered most. I believed in you when no one else did. When my father hit you, I told him off and called him an asshole. I’ve always stood up for you because I knew you loved Vanessa. This is how you repay me?”

Griffin’s eyes moved to her face. Despite his anger, he softened slightly—for her. “It’s not the same.”

“It is the same. Griffin, this is the man I love. He loves me. I understand if you don’t like him, but at least be civil. Don’t storm in here and throw him against the wall. The only reason he’s not fighting back is because he promised me he would never hurt any of you. He kept his promise and made sure you didn’t get shot. So now it’s your turn to make that promise to me.” She poked her finger in his chest. “Don’t touch Bosco ever again.”


“He’s not gonna hurt Vanessa,” she hissed. “We were talking about food, your son, and Bosco’s mom before you stormed in here like some kind of lunatic. Everything was fine until you ruined it. Did it seem like Vanessa was in trouble?”

He stared at her without blinking, his blue eyes bright like mine. “When it comes to my wife and son, I don’t take chances. Vanessa has been taken from me before, and I can’t let that happen again, not when we have a little one joining us soon. I’m sorry that I overreacted, but my position still stands. I don’t want him around her unless I’m right there. I’m the shield that protects both of them, and I don’t want her near this asshole unprotected. You know I love you, Carmen. You make a valid point about what you did for me before. I will try because it’s important to you. But I’m not gonna change my mind about that last part. Accept that compromise because that’s the best you’ll get from me.” He stepped back and turned to Vanessa.

But she was just as pissed as before. “Oh, are you ready to deal with me now?” Her hands were still on her hips, her attitude in full force. “Put your wife in her place? Tell her how to behave?” Her wrath was somehow worse than Griffin’s.