His hand rubbed the back of my neck. “You should have done that a long time ago.”

“I’ll pay you what I normally pay in rent.”

He gave me such a terrifying look.

“Or not…”

He dropped his outrage and rubbed my neck again.

The last thing I wanted to do was piss him off after he’d just killed someone a few hours ago. “So, I’m gonna move in, then? Officially?”


“I’d love to. This place has felt like home since the first time I visited.”

“Because it is home—your home.” He kissed me again, loving my lips delicately.

I smiled as I felt his embrace. “So…you want to fuck me savagely like last time?”

He smiled, but his eyes turned even more intense than before. “Yes.”



I walked across the floor of the casino, silently saying goodbye to the building that had housed all my dreams and aspirations. From a young age, I’d always been ambitious, always wanted a better life for my family.

I accomplished it.

Not only was I wealthy, but I had power.

I’d been powerless to help my mother when I was young. She’d had to beg for jobs to make ends meet, and one time when she couldn’t, we were kicked out of our apartment. I never wanted her to feel powerless like that ever again. I didn’t want to feel powerless either.

But now I was walking away from all of it.

Without a hint of bitterness.

I looked at the men playing at the tables, holding their hands of cards while cigars stuck out of their mouths. The women danced overhead, and topless waitresses couldn’t get drinks served quick enough.

I remembered when this room was empty. The day I bought it, it was a rathole.

Now it was an empire.

“Hey, Bosco.” Ruby’s sexy voice emerged from my right. She stepped from the shadows of one of the power tables, walking through the cloud of smoke that made the room hazy. “Where’s your lady friend?”

I kept walking. “Home.”

“She’s feisty, isn’t she?” She smoked a cigar as she walked, wearing a red gown with a sweetheart neckline.

“I’m gonna cut to the chase, Ruby.” I stepped forward and faced her, not attracted to her curves anymore. “I’m marrying her. This—” I pointed between the two of us “—is never gonna happen again. She’s the woman getting my money. Stop wasting your time and find someone else. I’m selling the casino, so I’m probably not interesting to you anymore.”

She hid her disappointment at my speech. “Who are you selling it to?”

“Ronan, obviously.”

“Oh…so now he has the moneybags.”

He always had the moneybags since we split the profits. But it didn’t matter. “He’s all yours.” I walked away from her, hoping that was the last time I would ever see her again.

I took the elevator to the office to meet Ronan. It was strange to see him sitting behind my desk. He’d changed a few things in the room—but kept the picture of the three of us. I sat in the leather chair where Carmen and I had once slept.

Ronan eyed me. “You’re sure?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“This must be hard for you. I can tell you don’t like me sitting behind your desk.”

“Your desk,” I corrected. “And no, I don’t.” I grinned. “I’ll get used to it.” I had a lot more to look forward to.

“So…marriage…babies… You still want that?”

I tapped my fingers against the armchair. “Yes, eventually. But right now, I’m happy with the way things are. Carmen is a lot younger than me, so there’s no rush.”

“I don’t know…she’s twenty-five. She probably wants to get started soon.”

“Well, she knows my dick is available at her command, so I’m ready whenever she is.”

He chuckled. “Ain’t that truth. Well, I’m gonna miss seeing you around here. You won’t come by for a game or two?”

“No. I told her father I wouldn’t be associated with this place anymore. My goal is to disappear.”

“I hope that means you won’t be disappearing from my life too…” It seemed like a joke, but I knew there was a hint of seriousness to it.

“Never. We’ll have you over for dinner once a week.”

He grinned. “Now, I’m down with that.”

“Carmen really likes you. She wants you around as much as I do.”

“That woman is lovely. You fucked around for so long, but your dick knew when it found the right one.”

I placed my hand over my heart, even though it was cheesy. “No. My heart did.”

Ronan laughed, but he didn’t tease me. “I’m happy for you. I hope I find that someday…not that I’m in a hurry.”

“When the time comes, you’ll know.” I never walked anywhere, and the one time I did, I came across the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen—my future wife. “Let me know if you have any questions, even though I know you probably won’t.”

“I know this business like the back of my hand,” he said. “But maybe I’ll use it as an excuse to call.”