I cupped his face and kissed him, feeling his softening length inside me. “Can I get that in writing?”

It was two in the morning when we finally drifted off to sleep.

He spooned me from behind, his powerful chest pressed against my back and his thick arm wrapped around my waist. Every time he took a breath, I felt it drift across the back of my neck and through my hair. He was still sweaty from all the fucking, his heat chasing away any hint of winter.

It would be so easy for me to lie there until morning, but I had work to do and I didn’t want to stay over. Sleepovers felt too romantic, and while we had a deeper relationship than before, I didn’t want it to get more serious than that.

I gently moved from under his arm and scooted to the edge of the bed.

He didn’t move, but his powerful voice filled the quiet space of his bedroom. “If you think you’re going home tonight, you’re wrong. Get your ass over here now.”

I froze in place, a little terrified by the anger in his voice. “I have to work in the morning.”

“You think I give a damn?” He sat up and held me by the wrist. Aggressively, he yanked me back toward him, having strength that outmatched a bear. When he had me back in the center of the bed, he looked down at me, still just as angry as before. “I’ll make sure you get to work on time.” He lay down again, sighing in frustration at my attempt to leave. “Don’t pull that stunt again. It’s impossible to get in and out of this penthouse without the code—so don’t bother.”

“So, I’m trapped?” I asked.

“You’re trapped with the most powerful man in this country.” He moved on top of me and looked down at me like he despised me. “The only thing you should be doing is sleeping soundly, knowing there’s not a damn thing out there that could ever hurt you.” He lay down again, this time staying on his side of the bed without touching me. His affection died the second I pissed him off. Now, he was stuck on the other side of the bed, taking his warmth and leaving me in the cold.

I wasn’t comfortable anymore.

One arm rested behind his head while the other lay on his stomach. He lay still as he stared at the ceiling. “Why are you like that?”

“Like what?” I whispered.

“You don’t like to sleep with men.”

I shrugged. “I’ve been sleeping alone my whole life. I don’t like to share my space. I don’t like to alter my routine.”

“That’s gonna change.” He closed his eyes and turned his head the other way, facing the large window that overlooked the city.

I’d wanted to leave a moment ago, but that was an instinctual decision. I was used to doing the walk of shame or kicking dates out of my apartment the second I was done. I liked going back to my single life the second I knew the man wasn’t the right one for me. Now that I was in a different situation, I wasn’t sure what to do. All I knew was, I was a lot more comfortable when I had this man wrapped around me, keeping me warm and comfortable. Now, he was pissed at me, insulted by the way I’d tried to creep out of his apartment and past the army waiting at the bottom of the elevator.

After a few minutes of discomfort, I scooted closer to him and rested my face against his shoulder. My arm hooked around his waist, and I tucked my leg between his, snuggling with him like he was my full-time lover. The second I was in place, I felt a million times more comfortable.

His deep voice broke the silence again. “That’s better.”



When I woke up the next morning, Carmen was exactly where I left her.

All over me.

Her hand rested against my chest, her face cradled in my shoulder. She had her gorgeous leg draped across my body, and her long hair was soft against my arm. She was dead asleep, sleeping peacefully despite her pathetic attempt to disappear in the middle of the night.

Like I would let that happen.

I didn’t do sleepovers either. My dates were sent home in a private car with an escort so I wouldn’t feel like such an asshole. But having Carmen there was a different story. I expected her to sleep with me all through the night. I told her she was mine—and she was mine in every sense of the word.

I rolled her over onto her back and watched her eyes slowly open to take me in. Her green eyes were even more beautiful in the morning, despite her smeared mascara and eyeliner. Her lipstick was long gone, probably all over my body. I positioned one of her knees over my shoulder to widen her legs so I could slip my fat dick inside her.