I turned my gaze on him and met his gaze fearlessly, refusing to be intimidated by that expression that could soak my panties right off my legs. I watched his eyes slightly shift back and forth as he looked at me, his soft lips surrounded by the dark stubble that was sprinkled on his masculine chin. With a body that dwarfed mine, he was all man, from head to toe, from shoulder to shoulder. “Yes?” I whispered, even though the center divider between the driver and us was closed.

He never gave an answer. Like he hadn’t heard me at all, he kept staring at me with the same intensity. His hand moved into my hair, and he cradled my head so he could get a better look at me. His thumb brushed along my bottom lip, but he didn’t kiss me. “You’re beautiful. From the fierce look in your eyes to your long legs, you’re absolutely perfect. I want you underneath me, whispering my name over and over as I make you come. You’re a queen, and I’m glad you’ve given me a chance to be your king.”

My breath stopped in my lungs because I was falling under his spell. He said the right things to make me wet, to make my panties slowly sink down my thighs as they became heavier. He was the only man I’d ever met who actually made me feel something, made my thighs squeeze together and pretend my hips were in the center. I realized I was getting deeper into a situation I didn’t want to be in, but I couldn’t stop myself. I’d always been a logical person, making the right decisions based on reason, not lust and desire. I knew this man was bad for me, but I chose to be with him anyway.

Minutes later, we pulled up to a fifteen-foot gate surrounding a building and passed through until we reached the entryway. With historical architecture but with modern technology, it looked like an impenetrable fortress.

The car pulled up to the front, and the driver opened the back door for Bosco.

Bosco got out first and then helped me out of the car. His arm immediately circled my waist, and we approached the front doors, which were opened for him by two armed men. We walked inside a lobby, where men were gathered in front of monitors that showed the entire perimeter of the building. Two men stood near the elevator, and once pressed the button when we arrived, making the doors open when Bosco approached.

None of them spoke to Bosco. They didn’t look at him either. And none of them looked at me.

I held my breath as we passed the two dozen armed men in Bosco’s employ. All dressed in black with rifles and pistols, they seemed like they were prepared for war. They all looked the same, with hard expressions and short hair.

I wasn’t easily intimidated by anything, but I was certainly uneasy around Bosco’s personal army.

When the doors shut and the elevator finally rose, I let the air out of my lungs.

Bosco turned his gaze on me. “No need to be afraid.”

“I’m not afraid. I’ve just never experienced something like that before. Guns have been in my house since I can remember, and I know my father and uncle are familiar with weapons and fighting…but I’ve never seen anything quite like that. You have a private army.”

“In addition to the men who circle the perimeter within a mile radius.” He faced forward again, watching the buttons light up as we ascended to the top floor.

“You have a lot of enemies?”

The doors opened, and he stepped inside the penthouse. “If you don’t have any enemies, then you’re doing something wrong.” He took me into his living room, a large space with four couches, an enormous TV, and a private bar. There was a big rustic fireplace and paintings all along the walls.

He immediately stripped off his jacket and hung it on the back of a chair, standing in his fitted t-shirt and jeans. His muscular arms stretched the fabric, and every time he moved, his muscles shifted and changed the way the shirt fit him. He poured two glasses of scotch and handed me one.

I took it, my hand slightly shaking because my heart was still beating fast. This place looked like a penthouse in Manhattan, with stunning views of the city and furniture that was more expensive than a car.

He turned back to the bar and set his watch on the surface, along with his wallet.

I took a long drink to steady my nerves. My family had always been wealthy, but this was a new level of rich. Bosco was the kind of man that could buy an entire country if he wanted to. He owned his own building along with a private artillery.