“That’s incredible.”

“You’re very talented, Vanessa. I’ve seen people stare at your paintings for several minutes. You make them feel something.”

“I guess so.”

She opened her wallet and took out the checks she’d collected. “They’re all in your name, so cash them whenever you have time.”

I looked through the pile and realized it was almost twenty thousand euros. “Wow…”

Mom grinned. “I kinda raised the prices when you left…and I’m glad I did. I knew you were worth more.”

I folded them and placed them in my wallet. “Those paintings made me some serious money.”

“They did,” she said in agreement. “Keep it up.”

“I guess I don’t need you guys to pay my rent anymore.”

Mom gave a wave. “Don’t worry about that. You should save it to open that gallery or buy a house, something nice in the countryside. Unless you like living in the city…”

I wanted to move home. Now that Bones was gone, I didn’t want to be here anymore. But my heart was still broken, so I wasn’t ready to leave yet. “I’ll think about it.”

We finished our sandwiches and drinks, and Mom waved down the waiter to bring the check. “Alright…this is going to be a little weird.”

“You want me to pay for lunch?” I asked with a laugh.

“No, of course not. I’d chop off your hand before I let that happen.” She pulled her phone out of her purse and pulled up a picture. “I’ll drop this if you want me to, but I thought I would ask. Your father has a good friend in the restaurant business. Apparently, he has a very handsome son…”

I knew exactly where this was going. My mother was setting me up.

“He went to university to study business, and now he owns a chain of restaurants in Milan. Your father likes him because he did all of that on his own and never took a single euro from his father. He’s successful, humble, and from what I hear…very picky about who he dates. He’s never introduced a woman to his family.”

“He could be gay.”

Mom chuckled. “From what I gather, he’s definitely not gay. Anyway…” She set the phone on the table in front of me. “No pressure. If you don’t like the guy or this is too weird, I’ll drop it and never bring it up again.”

Since we were on the topic, I lifted the phone and looked at the picture. The man had dark hair the way I did, along with brown eyes. He had a chiseled jaw the way I liked, and he was fit. He was definitely handsome…a lot more handsome than I expected. I handed the phone back. “How old is he?”

“He’s a few years younger than Conway, so he’s about five years older than you. That might seem like a lot, but most women prefer older men for a reason…a lot more mature and serious.”

I knew my father was older than my mother, the age gap about the same.


“He’s definitely good-looking. But I doubt a man like that is looking to be set up.”

“Well, long story short, his father bought one of your paintings. His son saw it and really liked it…and that’s how it came up. He’s seen your picture and said you were a very beautiful woman.”

“Wow…that must have been awkward for Father,” I said with a laugh.

She shrugged. “He’s not oblivious to your appearance, sweetheart. He knows he has a beautiful daughter. And he also knows you’re at the age where you’re looking for someone to spend your life with. At least he likes this guy.”

“What’s his name?

“Matteo Rossi.”

The only man I wanted to be with was the one person I couldn’t have…and shouldn’t want to have. It was too soon to go on a date, but I didn’t know what else to do. I had to move on, and the sooner I did that, the easier this would be. Knowing Bones, he’d probably already started the progress. “He’s a good guy?” I wanted someone clean, someone who didn’t break the law or kill people.

“Of course. Perfect gentleman. The strong and silent type. And you know he won’t pull any stunts because he wouldn’t cross your father. I don’t think he would even go through with this unless he was genuinely interested in you.”

I’d ended things with Bones because my father would never accept him. I wanted someone my family would embrace, someone they would love like family. Meeting a handsome man my father approved of seemed like the best way to accomplish that. “I’ll give it a shot. Can’t hurt, right?”

Mom smiled. “Nope. Can’t hurt.”

My mother left, and I returned to the solitude of my apartment.

She cheered me up during the day, taking me shopping for cute things I didn’t really need. I handed over my few new paintings for her to sell at the winery. The only one that remained behind was the painting that wasn’t for sale.