She kept her body in front of the door as long as possible, as if giving her family enough time to get to the car and drive away. All I had to do was pick her up and move her, but she would probably fight me to the death.

But I wasn’t interested in them—only her. “You kept your end of the deal. I’ll keep mine.”

The breath left her lungs slowly, her relief visibly washing through her.

I was almost touched by the gesture, moved by how much she cared for her family. She acted as a human shield to keep me away from them, and the only time she showed fear was when she was scared for someone else.

I pulled her jacket off her body then hung it up by the door. She was in a long-sleeved black t-shirt, and it hugged her body in all the right ways. It showed the deep curve in her waistline and the perkiness of her tits. Her skin-tight jeans made her ass look like a heart. I pressed my body against hers, wanting her to feel how hard I was for her.

I got off on her fear.

I got off knowing I was the man who scared her the most. I had the power to take away her entire family, and I loved having her pinned underneath my thumb. Power was the kind of booze I couldn’t get enough of.

Along with Vanessa Barsetti.

I gripped her hips and slowly turned her around, forcing her to face me. Now that I could see her expression, I could see the fear in her eyes. Vulnerable, afraid, and protective all at the same time, she was in survival mode. She wanted her brother out of there as quickly as possible, to keep him away from the monster hiding in her closet. My hand cupped her cheek, and I held her gaze for minutes, seeing the web of emotions deep in her eyes. It was impossible for her to be strong and sassy for me when she didn’t care about her own life. She would lay hers down in an instant to protect her brother. She was loyal, having complete disregard for her own life.

I respected that.

I would do the same for any of the guys in my crew, the closest thing I had to family.

I slowly backed her into the door and moved my hands to her hips. I pressed her into the wood, my body surrounding hers and keeping her pinned so she had nowhere to go. Her family was gone, and she was my prey all over again.

Even though I was twice her size, twice her weight, and ten times her strength, she didn’t seem afraid of the monster that I was—just what I was capable of doing. My thumb brushed along her bottom lip, and I studied her like I hadn’t seen her in weeks rather than three days. I felt the softness of her mouth, the plumpness of her lips. Her makeup was done, her eyes dark and smoky, and her painted lips made them look even more appealing. She curled her hair and had it done nicely. When she perfected her appearance, she was even more stunning. She could be a model if she wanted. She could be the wife of the richest man in the world—the ultimate trophy wife. She could be anything she wanted.

But she was mine.

I owned this woman from head to toe. I claimed her deeply and passionately. No other man could have her because I sprayed my presence everywhere, from her home, to her bed, and in between her legs. “Miss me?”

“No,” she whispered. “And yes.”

My hand brushed her hair behind her shoulder, revealing her slender neck. “I missed you every night and every morning.” I could have gone out and picked up another woman who was depressed over the holiday season, but she would have been a disappointment. I would have pictured Vanessa underneath me, and it would have been difficult because of the condom wrapped around my dick. I’d rather have Vanessa’s bare pussy, so wet and slick.

A slight tint moved into her cheeks, understanding exactly what that meant.

“Is that how you missed me?”

She held my gaze, slight defiance in her eyes. She tried to downplay her attraction to me, but every time she did, she looked stupid because it was painfully obvious it was a lie. Last time we fucked, she admitted I was the best she’d ever had. “You know that’s the only way I missed you.”

I cornered her like an animal, and I liked making her surrender over and over. “I got you something for Christmas.”

She kept up her guard, knowing the gift wouldn’t be jewelry with a red bow on top.

“Go in the bedroom and put it on.” My hand dug into her hair, and I brushed my lips over hers, teasing her.