My eyes stared into his beautiful blue ones, seeing an evil soul behind that handsome expression. He was too pretty to be so mean, but his heart was painted black. It was mutilated by his suffering, and he would never recover. “No…” I’d been with several guys since I became an adult. Waiting until marriage had never been right for me. I wanted to make sure my husband and I would have good sex for the rest of our lives, so I believed in taking the car for a test-drive before I bought it. My brother and cousins had been with more women than I could even count, so there was no reason I couldn’t explore my sexuality too. As a result, I knew exactly what I liked and what I wanted. I was definitely not inexperienced. Bones had an exceptionally big dick, so taking him was like losing my virginity all over again.

His hand slid into the fall of my hair, and he gripped me tightly, adjusting my face to look at him head-on. “They were boys. I’m a man.” His eyes shifted to my lips. “You’re all woman, from head to toe. I’ve never laid eyes on a more beautiful woman, so damn sexy and strong. I’ll make you forget any other man has ever been between your legs. I’ll wipe away their memory and make you think of me when you touch yourself.”

“You’re awfully cocky…”

He tugged on my hair a little harder. “Because I earned it.” His hand released my hair and slid down to my shoulder. His finger hooked in the strap and he pulled it off my shoulder, revealing my bare skin.

He craned his neck down and kissed it, sucking my skin aggressively and even giving it a gentle bite.

I closed my eyes and suppressed the moan that wanted to emerge from my throat. My hands immediately reached out and gripped his torso, feeling my thumbs slip on his abs because they were so smooth.

He kissed up my neck until his lips hovered over my ear. He breathed hard, his arousal audible in the simple sound. His hand pulled down my other strap until my other shoulder was revealed. “Tell me how you want me to fuck you, baby.”

My hands gripped his hips, still using him for balance. My breathing matched his, feeling the same arousal in my veins as he felt in his lungs. My thumbs pressed into his, and I kept my eyes closed, overwhelmed by his control over me.

“Tell me, baby.”

When I was with a man, I liked to be on top. I liked to go at the pace I wanted, to grind my clit against his pelvic bone as I moved. Watching his face darken with arousal as he watched me just turned me on more. “I want to fuck you…”

The next breath he released was louder than all the others, showing his surprise and his approval. His hands moved to my hips, and he played with the lace of my thong before he stepped away. The muscles of his back tightened and shifted as he walked away, his powerful shoulders sexy in the light of the flames. He moved on the bed and sat against the headboard, his large dick lying against his stomach. He wrapped his hand around his shaft and slowly jerked himself. “Strip.” He rested his mass against the wooden headboard, his chest rising and falling with his deep breathing. He was rock-hard and drooling from the tip.

I pulled the baby doll over my head, taking some of my hair with it. I stood in just my panties and walked closer to the bed, my fingers hooking into the straps at my hips.

His eyes followed my hands, staring at the way I played with myself.

I slowly pulled my panties down, taking my time before I finally revealed the nub between my legs. When I stood upright again, he stared right at my most intimate place, squeezing his dick a little harder. When he motioned for me to sit on his lap, all he gave was a slight nod of his head, his jaw hard from the way his teeth were clenched tightly together.

I moved onto his lap, my thighs parted over his hips. He was a big man, so I felt weightless putting my entire body on him. My pussy sat right against his hard cock, and the instant I felt just how thick he was, a jolt of electricity ran through my stomach.

He sat upright against the headboard, his long legs stretched out across the bed. He had muscular thighs and toned calves, every part of his body chiseled to perfection. I’d never seen a more powerful man buck naked. The men I dated were usually fit, but not as intensely as this man.

I felt his cock twitch underneath me.