“Can we come in?” I asked.

She looked at me again and smiled. “Yes, of course. I was just taking Will for a little walk. Come on in, and I’ll make us some tea.”

Landon motioned for me to go first, and I stepped into the small foyer. The house was spotless and decorated in a rustic farmhouse style. The entire downstairs seemed to be open concept, with the living room leading to a small dining room that opened up into a decent-sized kitchen.

Hannah placed Will down in a walker-type thing and wound up something on top, which started playing music. The little boy squealed in delight and started playing with all the small toys attached to the contraption.

“Sweet or unsweet tea?” Hannah asked as she took two glasses out of a cabinet.

“Unsweet for both of us,” Landon said. He looked at Will and then stole a glance in my direction before he turned back to Hannah. “Hannah, I’m going to get straight to the point and ask why in the hell you’re telling people that I’m the father of your baby.”

Hannah’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “Wait, what?”

Landon looked frustrated as he said, “Mary…what’s her last name?” He glanced in my direction.

I shrugged. “I’m not sure. Your aunt Mary…”

“Mary Hammie?” Hannah asked.

“If her son’s name is Jim, and he’s marrying Bea.”

Hannah nodded. “Yes, that’s my aunt.”

I cleared my throat and went on. “Well, Mary told me that you had a son by the name of William and that the father owned the restoration company in Waco. The one that Landon owns.”

Hannah groaned and dropped her head. “Good Lord, sometimes I want to smack my aunt. I didn’t say he owned the car restoration place in town. I said his daddy owned part of Restoration Hardware.”

“Wait,” I said, shaking my head. “Restoration Hardware is owned by Phillip Reynolds and Mark Emmes.”

“Yes. I know. William’s grandfather owns half of it.”

The truth hit me like a brick wall. “Jason Emmes is Will’s father.”

Hannah nodded. “Yes, that’s why I thought you were here. Jason told me that he’s been seeing you off and on again, and that y’all might be working things out and getting back together. When I found out I was pregnant, I left the bed and breakfast. I was riddled with so much guilt for having had an affair with Jason when he was still dating you, I just had to leave. Then I saw on the news that you were engaged to Landon—congratulations, by the way.”

I held up my hand. “We’re actually married. We eloped.”

“But we’re still planning the wedding,” Landon added. “It’s a long story.”

Hannah looked at us like we’d both grown two heads before she focused on me again. “Anyway, I figured you finally found out that I was sleeping with Jason while you were together and came to confront me.”

I shook my head. “No, honestly I don’t care at all, Hannah. You can have him.”

She laughed. “No, thanks. I’m forever tied to that asshole, now that we have a baby together. His folks are real sweet, though, and they adore Will. I’m actually engaged myself.” Hannah held up the ring on her finger and wore a wide smile. “His name is Greg and he is a professor at the university. We met at a single parents’ barbecue. His wife died giving birth to his three-year-old daughter. William simply adores Candace…she’s Greg’s daughter.”

“Oh, wow. Congratulations,” I said with a smile.

“Thank you,” Hannah said as she turned and started to get the tea, clearly just now remembering it.

We took the glasses she offered to us, and I took a sip before setting my glass down. “Hannah, I want you to know that I have not been seeing Jason. I’ve only seen him once since we broke up over a year ago.”

She tilted her head and sighed. “I believe you.” She paused. “I think Jason is the type of guy who wants what he can’t have. When he found out I was getting married to Greg, he begged me to take him back. Then when I told him there was no way we would be getting back together, he told me was going to try and work things out with you. That was around two weeks before the news about your engagement to Landon broke, which, by the way, I wasn’t the least bit surprised about. Anyone who saw the way you two looked at each other knew there was something there. I’m pretty sure that was why Jason came to me and…”

She let her sentence trail off.

“It’s all in the past,” I said. “I’m just glad to know you’re happy and doing well. I know Addie and my mom miss having you at the bed and breakfast.”

Hannah smiled. “That’s very sweet, but I’ve honestly never been happier.”

Landon set his tea glass down on the kitchen counter. “When are you getting married, Hannah?”