I pointed the whisk at him. “I don’t know what you’re playing at, but stop trying to weasel your way into the sleepover. I assure you, there will be nothing of interest there for you.”
His brow quirked while his eyes roved over me. “We both know that’s a lie.”
I needed to fan myself. It was getting hot in the kitchen. “I mean, I know you’re interested in the girls’ lives,” I stuttered, trying to cover up my burning cheeks. How could he be so flirty sometimes and so nonexistent other times?
He scooted closer. “You can add that to the list of things I’m interested in at your party,” he said lowly.
I dropped the whisk, he had me so flummoxed.
He picked it up, and without a word went to the sink and rinsed it off before handing it back to me, though he didn’t let it go.
“Thank you,” I said, way too breathily. I was ridiculous.
“You’re welcome,” he crooned, making my stomach flutter.
We stood staring at each other, holding the whisk between us. I peered into his eyes, trying to find some answers there. All I could see was the same confusion that plagued me, swirling in his eyes of blue. Why was he confused? He was the confusing one, not me. That night I’d kissed him, I’d played my hand, leaving no room for doubt about how I felt about him. Okay, so maybe I’d given off the I’m-done-with-men vibe as of late. There was no maybe about it; I’d been pretty clear how I felt. The problem was, I wasn’t sure now. Because not only did I see confusion in his eyes, I saw possibilities.
“Are you involved with the Mafia?” I blurted without thinking.
His eyes widened, but when he said “No,” his tone didn’t indicate he was surprised by my odd question.
I took the whisk and went back to stirring the hot chocolate, more confused than ever.
He sidled up to me, so close I could feel the heat rolling off him. It had me catching my breath. It didn’t help when he leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Please be patient. I promise everything will make sense soon.”
I turned my head. It probably wasn’t the best idea, as we were mere inches apart. His intoxicating minty breath and the way he stared at my lips was going to be my undoing. I begged myself to hold to my principles and not close the distance. It took everything in me not to taste him. Be smart, I pleaded with myself.
“You don’t owe me any explanations,” I managed to say.
He brushed back some of my hair. “I owe you that and more.”
I dropped the whisk into the pot, too excited by his touch. And, admittedly, too anxious to hear his explanation.
“You two look cozy,” Ariana sang, breaking the connection I had with Brant. I backed away from him to find we had a large audience. All the adults were gaping at us. Even my grandparents and Sheridan, who I hadn’t even realized had arrived. It was as if I had been transported to another world with Brant. I’d never gotten so lost in anyone else before. That was telling.
There were a lot of smiles, except from Dani, who looked like she might vomit. I didn’t think it was because of morning sickness. She and I were going to talk. If she knew of some reason I shouldn’t be with Brant, she needed to tell me. Not that I was going to be with Brant. Right? I didn’t know up from down anymore, it seemed. It was then I remembered I was simmering my whisk. Crap. Flustered, I turned back around and grabbed some tongs so I could fish out the whisk. Brant sprang into action and snagged me a hand towel to set the whisk on.
He took the whisk from me with a sexy smile and for my ears only said, “You’re adorable when you blush.”
I felt zero percent adorable and more like an idiot. I hated being on display, especially when I was so unsure about what to do. So, I did the only thing I could—I yelled out, “Who wants pumpkin spice white hot chocolate?”
That had the masses lining up. I backed away and let Jonah and Ariana serve their guests. Hoping for a reprieve from the spotlight and Brant, I headed back over to the island and took a seat in front of a large pumpkin that was waiting to be carved. My solace lasted all of two seconds.
Brant pulled up a stool next to me. “I hear we’re going to be partners tonight.”
All I could do was smile at him. “You’re determined to pester me, aren’t you?”
He tugged on my hair and laughed. “Pester is such an ugly word. I was thinking more along the lines of annoying you.”