Amelia was about ten years older than me. She was a mom who had decided to go to culinary school, now that her kids were grown, because she had always loved to cook and throw dinner parties. Food was her passion, she’d said in her interview.

Amelia set her plates down in front of us and, without even a prompt, began telling us about her process as if she were on an episode of Iron Chef. “Today I’ve made steak Diane with a medley of roasted vegetables. I seared the filet mignon in a cast-iron skillet over high heat using a garlic-infused olive oil.”

Jai and I glanced at each other, impressed.

“It smells and looks fantastic.”

“Wait until you cut into the meat. It’s so tender, it will melt in your mouth,” she promised.

Jai and I did just that as she went on to tell us how she’d made the sauce with cognac and cremini mushrooms. I hardly heard her over the flavor explosion in my mouth. Holy Hannah, she was a culinary wizard. My taste buds were having a magical experience.

Jai groaned repeatedly with pleasure as if he were having quite an intimate experience with his food. He enjoyed it so much that, without consulting me, he said, “You’re hired.”

Amelia’s face lit up, and she even jumped up and down a little bit, so I could hardly contradict Jai in front of her. Though Jai and I were going to have a discussion about making unilateral decisions without me. Sure, I agreed with him, but I had a few more questions for her, but they were going to have to wait because the sweetest, most elegant woman I knew was walking our way.

I stood, having this feeling that Sheridan needed me. There was something in the way that she carried herself and the lost look she wore on her beautiful face. I addressed a beaming Amelia before I went to greet Sheridan. “That was absolutely amazing. Why don’t you and Jai discuss details, and I will be in touch with you this evening. Does that work for you?”

As soon as I stepped around the table, Amelia threw her arms around me. “You have no idea what this means to me and my family. Thank you for the opportunity.”

I returned her hug. “You’re welcome.” I gave Jai a look that said, “Don’t promise anything without talking to me first.” I was all for being fair, even generous where I could be, but I had a business to run—and per my agreement with Brant, I had to discuss any new hires with him. Not like he would tell me no, but it was his money too. Let’s be honest: it was mostly his money.

Sheridan, in all her elegance, neared. As I walked toward her, I admired her aqua cashmere shawl that made her gorgeous eyes pop. I knew she’d had some cosmetic surgery done, but I could only hope to age as gracefully as she did.

She met me near the bar and wrapped her arms around me. “How are you, darling?” She sounded so downtrodden. I wished I knew how to make her feel better. It didn’t seem right for her to be so blue.

“I’m doing well,” I responded. “How are you?”

She leaned away with a sad smile. “Well, I was hoping I might discuss an idea with you.”

“Of course. We could talk at the bar,” I suggested.

She bit her lip. “Is there somewhere we could talk privately?”

That fueled some curiosity. “We could talk in my office.”

“Perfect.” She smiled a bit wider, showing off her gleaming white teeth.

Jai cocked his head with a look of interest as we walked by. He was sure the Hollands had something to do with what he called my ‘stroke of luck’. I wasn’t sure how lucky I was. Not to say I wasn’t grateful—I was more than grateful. But, like I’d said, I was worried this wasn’t going to last. It somehow never did. And Jai had no idea how hard it was to work with your unrequited love. Thankfully for him, the unobtainable desire of his affections was a figure on the screen. If only I had fallen for a movie star instead of Brant, or Tristan for that matter.

Sheridan and I settled into my office. We both took a seat in front of my desk. I assumed this was a social call, so I didn’t want to be formal and take my office chair. As soon as we sat down, she took my hand and held it in her delicate, well-manicured ones. I didn’t know why, but her touch always made me feel secure. Even if her hands were slightly trembling.

She stared at me as if she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was a bit odd.

I finally had to ask, “Is everything okay?”

She let out a meaningful sigh. “I hope it will be someday.” After a short pause, she sat up straight and put on what looked like her game face. “I’m so happy you took Brant up on his offer. It’s been so good for him to have something enjoyable to do. He’s been working so hard.”