Huh. I let that thought sink in. While it sunk deep into my brain, I picked up my phone and dialed Sheridan.

She picked up after one ring. “Hello, darling.”

“Hi. How are you?”

“Better now that you’ve called. What can I do for you?”

She always made me feel so good. “I was wondering if you would like to help give my office a makeover?” I figured it was a great place to start. It wouldn’t interfere with serving our patrons, and most importantly, it said I was starting a new chapter in my life.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” she responded with zero hesitation. “Goodbye.”

I smiled at my phone after she hung up. I had a feeling that this was the start of something good.


“Thanks for spending the day with my mom. She sang your praises for ten minutes straight.”

I grinned at Brant, trying not to keep gawking at his bare chest. Oh yes, he’d called wearing only plaid pajama pants, and I’m pretty sure I died and went to heaven. Holy Hannah, he was beautiful. I think God must have thought so too, and that’s why he made Brock and Brant identical twins. Even he thought Brant should be cloned, and he wasn’t wrong. Not that I had ever ogled Brock. It was weird that even though they looked identical, Brant had always been more attractive to me.

In my cutest pink silk pajamas, I was lying on my bed, my head propped up on my hand, thoroughly enjoying my view on the phone, leaning against my pillows. “It was my pleasure, but she has plans. Big, big plans for that office.” We were talking shiplap walls and new furniture and light fixtures. Even a new computer system. “Are you okay with that?”

“Kinsley, I’m not worried about the money.”

“I am. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“Why not? That sounds good to me.” He flashed me a devilish grin.

My cheeks began to burn at the thought of taking advantage of him. “As much fun as that sounds, you know what I mean. You’re already doing so much for me. I can never repay you.”

“You say that, but believe me, I’m getting the better end of the deal here.”

“How can you say that?”

He leaned in closer, giving me a perfect view of his gorgeous eyes, which had a little light back in them now. “Just seeing you smile and knowing that when I get back, you’ll still be there, has made it all worth it. Not to mention how happy you’re making my mom.”

“You know you could have had me for free, no business partnership involved.” I grinned.

“I couldn’t stand the thought of you moving out of town before you knew how I felt about you.”

“I’m glad I didn’t miss out on that, either, except a heads-up would have been nice,” I teased.

“You were dating someone,” he reminded me.

“I suppose that could have put a damper on things.”

“Speaking of Tristan.” He cleared his throat as if he’d said a bad word. “Do you miss him?” he asked reluctantly.

My eyes widened; I wasn’t expecting that question. I rubbed my lips together, wondering how to answer. “Um . . . honestly, in some ways, yes.” That accent of his was lovely, and he had shown me more of the world than I had ever known.

Brant’s brows furrowed, and I swore he growled.

“It’s not what you think. He helped me cope after you got engaged,” I rushed to say. Not exactly proud of that. In my defense, I hadn’t realized I was using him as a Band-Aid.

Brant’s features softened. “Kinsley, I’m so sorry I hurt you. If it makes you feel any better, it killed me to see you with Tristan.”

I bit my lip. “That does help a little.” I laughed.

He joined in laughing, a perfectly masculine, melodic laugh that I could listen to all day. Then he got serious when he asked, “Are you over him?”

I leaned in a bit. “If you’re asking who I would choose, the answer is always you.”

He slapped a hand against his heart and breathed a sigh of relief. I was so jealous of his hand.

“Brant,” I whispered. “From the time I was sixteen, it’s always been you. For whatever reason, I am the most myself when we’re together.” Even on the small screen, I could see how touched he was. I think his eyes even got a little misty. Or was that wishful thinking on my part? “Do I sound like a silly schoolgirl to you?”

“Not at all. I’m honored, Kinsley. And I promise you, I’ll do everything I can to be worthy of you.”

I didn’t think anyone had ever paid me such a beautiful compliment. He had my stomach fluttering and my eyes watering. “You need to come home soon.” I wanted to kiss his face off.

“As soon as I can, I’ll be there.”