“Yes, that’s much better.” I tilted my head. “You’re in quite the mood tonight.” I hadn’t seen him this playful in a long time.
“It must be the company.” He grinned.
“The girls can do wonders,” I teased.
“So can their aunt.” He wasn’t teasing at all.
I let out a huge breath of what the heck are we doing.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to answer that. Brock’s voice boomed, “We have an announcement to make.”
Everyone quieted down and focused on Brock, who was near the refrigerator with Dani by his side. She was holding Gemma. Brock beamed at his wife and daughter before saying, “We’re pregnant. Due in April.” He could hardly contain himself. I’m sure it was a huge relief after losing their baby last year. I couldn’t wait to talk all things baby with Dani.
Jonah called for a toast while everyone else clapped and cheered. Well, not everyone. I couldn’t help but notice that Brant was rubbing his neck, looking like he was trying to hold it together.
“Are you okay?” I whispered, wondering why this beautiful news seemed to bother him. He loved being an uncle. I had thought this would thrill him.
He cleared his throat and put on a fake smile. “Yes.”
“You’re lying,” I called him out.
He rested his hand on my thigh and locked eyes with me. “Yes, I am.”
I leaned away, taken aback by his bluntness that sounded an awful lot like a warning. “Why?”
He removed his hand from my thigh and ran it through his hair. “That is a good question.”
“Let me guess—you’re not going to give me an answer.” I was getting tired of that.
He swallowed hard and shut his eyes. “I can’t.”
Well, I guess I knew my answer, then. Oscar and me forever.
Chapter Fourteen
The Book Nook was hopping. I think all of Carrington Cove had shown up for Taron Taylor’s, a.k.a. Miles’s, release party the night before Halloween. Fitting, since the title of his new medical thriller was Blood on the Line. There were cutouts of the gruesome book cover, which depicted blood dripping out of an IV line, placed strategically around the chic vintage bookstore. It was filled with mismatched bookcases and furniture that somehow all came together to make it look cozy and amazing. The book cutouts didn’t match the decor at all, but no one seemed to mind. They were too busy fawning over Miles and even Brock and Jonah, who had lent their medical expertise for the book.
I had to say I was glad to see Dani looking somewhat relaxed by Brock’s side. She was radiant in her red cocktail gown. He quite often kissed her and rested his hand on her still-flat abdomen. She lit up with each touch. I was a tad jealous, but she deserved all the happiness in the world. Even if she was acting abnormally and wouldn’t tell me why. Fortunately, I didn’t have time to be too jealous or think about all the weirdness surrounding the Hollands. I was manning the dessert table, all while trying to make sure my people were properly serving the hors d’oeuvres. I had a new crew with me tonight while Jai ran the restaurant. So far, so good.
The vanilla bean panna cottas topped with fresh berries and the chocolate hazelnut mousse entremets were flying off the table faster than I could plate them. It wasn’t a complaint. I loved that people were enjoying the food. There was an extra amount of satisfaction knowing Giselle and Carter would have nixed my menu for tonight, while everyone raved about how incredible the food was and how they couldn’t wait to visit the restaurant. Music to my ears.
Ariana came over to check up on me. She looked beautiful in a long flowy teal gown, her strawberry blonde hair styled in a romantic upsweep. Motherhood really looked good on her. She shined. Although I knew she was missing her children. The kiddos were all hanging out with my grandparents, who didn’t enjoy this kind of scene.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help?” she asked while grabbing another panna cotta to devour.
“Positive.” I worked and talked at the same time. “Enjoy the night with Jonah.”
“I feel bad you’re always working these things.”
“Why? I love it.” Truly, I did. Even more so now that I was running the show. Thanks to the man in the corner near the mystery section. Appropriate, since he was as mysterious as they came. He was obviously trying to avoid the press while still trying to support his family and friends. Thankfully, the election would be over next week. I was so sick of all the political commercials and the bashing of Brant. Even though, along with evading the press, Brant was avoiding me like the plague tonight. I don’t think he had looked my way once. Which meant I had noticed him way too often. I wasn’t sure why I cared to. I was still bothered by what he did and didn’t say on Sunday. After our non-conversation, we had totally rocked our pumpkin. We’d carved out the perfect Godfather logo of the hand holding the puppet strings. We’d won, but it hadn’t felt like much of a victory because Brant had once again put me at arm’s length. With his refusal to acknowledge me tonight, I was beginning to wonder if he thought I wasn’t good enough to be seen in public with him. Maybe that’s really why he wanted to be my silent partner.