He cleared his throat, impatience radiating off him. “Strip, shower, and—”

“Please.” I took a step toward him, allowing my shields to drop. For my bravado to vanish against the true pain and embarrassment I felt. If his honesty could scramble me this badly, then perhaps my honesty could do the same to him.

I wouldn’t lie or threat.

I would be myself.

I won’t betray who I am.

I made another deal. A deal that sounded weak to my ears but was the only way I could think of to win. “Please...” I didn’t know his name so I couldn’t add that as an extra tool of persuasion. “I know you don’t like me, and I did something unforgivable by trespassing in your home, but...I’m begging you. I need some privacy. I need...” I looked over my shoulder at the toilet and flushed with heat. “I need you to close the door and leave me alone.”

He shook his head, his forehead furrowing into harsh skepticism. “If I leave, you’ll climb out the window.”

I glanced at the window in question. The glass wasn’t frosted and showed the convenient vines of ivy and other plant matter that would be a perfect ladder down to the ground. Even if I wasn’t a professional climber, I could’ve scaled the wall and been gone within a matter of moments.

My stomach cramped, and I dropped my arms to hug there instead of my chest. “What do I have to do to convince you to leave? What if I promise to come get you the moment I’m done? Then I’ll let you watch me shower. Then you can touch me, command me, use me in any position you want...all you have to do is let me have a few moments alone.”

His jaw clenched; his dark eyes turned black. His long hair tumbled to the side as he tilted his head. Obvious lust flared, but his lack of trust was stronger. “Nothing will convince me. I’m not moving.”

I glanced around the room. I tried to come up with a way to assure him I wasn’t going anywhere even though every molecule in my body screamed to bolt. A curtain cord bound the white gauzy drapes by the non-existent mirror. Odd to have curtains in a steamy bathroom, but it only added to the level of silver luxury.

Dashing forward, I unwound the cord and held it up. “You could tie my ankles.”

“Won’t work. You’d just untie yourself if I didn’t bind your hands.”

“I need my hands to...eh, undress.”

He shrugged. “So I stay. And I watch.”

Nausea flowed up my throat. “I literally won’t be able to do a thing if you do.”

“Not my problem.”

“It is your problem. My death will be your problem.”

“Your death would be a relief.”

I narrowed my eyes. That wasn’t a flippant phrase. He genuinely meant that. He showed no fear of corpses or the hypothetical clean-up of my demise.


How could I get through to him? How could I make him care?

You can’t. You’re his enemy.

The sooner you accept that, the easier this will be.


Ha, this would never be easy!

Every second with this bastard was the hardest thing I’d ever endured.


Gem, stop...

The sleeplessness. The stress. It all crushed me until the stinging tears refused to be swallowed back any longer.


A few escaped, sliding down my cheeks.

I swiped at them but couldn’t stop the many droplets following swift behind.

All I wanted to do was use the toilet.

Such a basic human right. Such a factual part of nature that should be private and personal, and if he couldn’t even give me a few minutes alone—

I can’t win.

I can’t do this.

I choked on a sob, refusing to let it sound.

He froze against the doorjamb, his ever-watchful gaze tracking my tears. The front of his slacks still showed his arousal. His naked chest strained as he inhaled, drinking in the sounds of my sadness.

He watched me fighting, doing my best not to break.

He didn’t say a word as I silently slid to the floor and bowed at his feet.

This wasn’t me giving in. This wasn’t me accepting that I wouldn’t keep fighting, keep trying. This was me reaching my limit for tonight. Tomorrow, I would be stronger. Today, I was done.

“I’ll ask you one last time.” I caught his tortured stare. “Leave.”

He inhaled sharply.

I’d kneeled before him this morning and put my mouth on his cock. I’d been submissive and not at all the badass warrior I’d hoped I would be. I’d done those things while doing my best to figure out how to play him. I had reasons for giving in.

But now? Now, I had nothing left.

If he could strip me of such a simple part of life, then he honestly didn’t care about the rest of it. I was just a vessel to fuck until he tired of me.

On the floor of his pristine bathroom, I came to terms with the stark truth. Up till now, I’d dabbled with the idea that I could get him to like me. That the way he watched me meant there was a feeling, breathing male beneath all the coldness. I’d had hopes that by giving him my body, he might give me something greater in return.