“There’s nothing to forgive. It wasn’t your fault. And as bad as the article was, I’m glad that I know the truth about the alibi now. To get through this, though, I need you, Astrid.”

I’m ugly-crying now, and the few people still on main campus are staring, but whatever. I nod frantically at Carson, wiping my eyes with gloved hands, trying to breathe through the thickness in my throat.

“So…is that a yes? We can be together again?” Carson asks, leaning down, trying to read my answer in my eyes.

“Yes,” I manage. “Yes, please. And not as a secret, okay? I want to be with you publicly. I want everyone to know about us.”

Carson grins, and then sweeps me up against him so effortlessly that it’s like I’m weightless. I reach up and link my hands around his neck, and he draws his face down close to mine, his warmth lighting me up. “Absolutely,” he whispers against my lips, and then kisses me, deeply and sweetly and perfectly.

“You’re packing an awful lot of clothes, given how rarely I’m going to let you wear them,” Carson says, watching me organize my suitcase. I make a face at him and keep going, checking off the list I’ve made. We’re going to Mexico, along with to Carson’s brother Sebastian— his recent signing deal means he has plenty of money to not only fly us and down, but put us up in a ritzy resort alongside him and his girlfriend. The timing is intentional; their father’s trial is starting in a week, and I’m guessing Sebastian is just as eager to take a break before the chaos begins as Carson is.

“Have you even packed anything at all?” I ask him pointedly.

“Condoms,” he teases, lifting his eyebrows.

I fold my arms. “That’s a shame, because I was hoping to have sex one more time before we left.”

Carson gives me a wry smile. Then rises from where he’s sitting in my desk chair— he looks ridiculous when he sits there, like a giant sitting on doll furniture. He picks me up in a sweeping motion and pulls my mouth to his, kissing me softly but firmly. “Conveniently, I’ve been badly wanting to fuck you without a condom anyway.”

I smile against his mouth, at the feeling of his cock hardening against me. “More conveniently, I started taking birth control, because I’ve been badly wanting that too.” Carson groans against me, and almost immediately lowers me to the ground, moving quickly to take my clothes off. I shy away, laughing. “Mexico. Save it for Mexico,” I say.

He growls. “That’s an awfully big ask.”

“We leave in two hours. And besides, that gives us both something to look forward to,” I say, biting my lip hungrily at the thought. Carson scowls at me, and I know he’ll spank me later for this— and that I’ll love it.

I make my way through the rest of my “to do before Mexico” list, checking things off as I move down. Message my parents— done. They’re still not thrilled that this is my last semester as a journalism major, but now they’ve come around to splitting my tuition costs with me, so that’s something. Besides, they met Carson when they came to town a few weeks ago, and despite the bad first impression that article left them with, they adore him. How could they not?

“What’s next?” Carson asks, looking over my shoulder at the list.

“It’s the Devin one,” I say, frowning. This is the item that’s sat on my To Do list for days, now— an email from the Bowen Blaze advisory council with the subject “Devin Resignation”. I haven’t read it yet. I mean, it’s obvious that Devin has resigned from the paper based on the subject line, presumably because he’s taking a job at one of the many papers that syndicated his story on Carson…but I just don’t think I want to read a bunch of professors talking about what a great asset he was, how they wish him luck, blah blah blah…

But I know I should read it, given all that happened between me and Devin and Carson. I give Carson a heavy look, zip my suitcase shut, then sit down on the bed and open the email. My eyes widen.

“What?” Carson asks, concerned.

“It’s not— holy shit,” I say, stunned. “He didn’t resign to pursue a job. It says that they asked for his resignation due to inappropriately advising younger reporters, sexual harassment, and misuse of funds!”

“Misuse of funds? What’d he do? Buy beer with paper money?” Carson asks, frowning.

“I have no idea, but this is the best thing I’ve ever read!” I say, leaping to my feet and jumping toward Carson. He looks alarmed, but catches me in his arms anyway, kissing my forehead swiftly.

“Okay, okay— is there anything else?” Carson asks as I settle. When I shake my head, he grabs my suitcase like it weighs nothing and hauls it out the door. I hug my suitemates goodbye and jog down to Carson’s car. We’re headed to his place first, then from there to the airport.