Page 66 of Want You Back

Deep growls rose from Alex’s throat and his quick jabs and grunts told me that he was coming. He gripped my hips harder as he pumped his essence into me, filling me with his sweetness.

Alex held me tight against his body and when our breath returned to normal, he pulled down the sheet and gently laid me on the bed. He entered after me and folded me into his arms.


I woke up to Alex’s heavy hand draped across my waist. For a few seconds, I was transported to our previous life. I woke up thinking that it was one of our lazy Saturday mornings and joy swept through me.

A baby’s whimpers slammed me back to the present. Disoriented, I sat up shifting Alex’s hand away from my body. My surroundings started to make sense. The baby’s whimpers grew louder. Kayden! I scrambled out of bed and quickly pulled on a t-shirt and shorts.

Guilt flooded me as I hurried to his room. In those few seconds, I’d forgotten that I had a child. What good mother did that?

“Morning baby,” I crooned as I lifted him from his crib.

I held him close to my body and savored his warmth and scent. His hands went around my neck and he held me fiercely. Every part of my body swelled with love, to almost the bursting point. My little boy held my heart in his hands.

“Mama!” he murmured and burrowed his face deeper into my neck.

“My darling,” I said and after a few minutes of cuddling, I lay him down on the changing table for a change of diaper and clothes.

I spoke to him as I prepared him for the day. “Do you know what today is?”

Kayden nibbled on his favorite soft toy, a lilac worm that rarely left his side. He looked at me with interest, his cobalt blue eyes reminding me so much of his dad.

Was it right for me to keep them from knowing the truth? Alex deserved to know that he had a son. He had more than proved himself. I made the decision there and then to tell him about Kayden. When we went to Amy’s wedding.

A sheen of sweat formed on my forehead at the thought of telling Alex but I was not going to give in to fear. I carried Kayden to the kitchen and grabbed his already prepared milk bottle from the fridge.

While he drank most of his liquids from a sippy cup, he had refused to make the switch when it came to his morning milk. I enjoyed it as well as it gave us a chance to cuddle.

“I missed you last night,” I said to Kayden as he drank his milk.

“He missed you too.” I hadn’t heard Alex enter the living room.

My breath hitched when I lifted my gaze to him. He was clad in low hanging shorts and nothing else. He looked deliciously hot. My body heated up from the memories of the previous night.

“Morning,” I said, wishing my vision was not so blurred so that I could see his washboard abs that narrowed to a ‘v’ down his shorts. “I’m sorry I was late. It took forever to clean up.”

“I’m the one who should be apologizing for falling asleep on the job.” He placed his hands on his hips and grinned.

My heart stuttered and I felt as if I was free falling into an endless abyss. I shouldn’t have been surprised at how much Alex affected me. He was my one true love. The last two years had proved that. Not one man had held my interest. My heart, body and soul belonged to Alex.

I allowed myself to think about what would happen if we got back together. It was wistful thinking and I knew it. It was one thing to have sex and fool around, but a relationship was a whole other thing to Alex.

He had admitted on more than one occasion that he’d never gone through the kind of pain he did when I left him. His heart was sealed off from that kind of a relationship. As hard as it was to accept that, I couldn’t blame him. There was only one person to blame, and that was me.

Kayden raised a hand and Alex kissed his forehead and murmured some endearments. “I’m going to grab some coffee. Do you want some?” he asked me.

“Sure,” I said, staring at his tight sexy ass as he walked away.

I was making up for the two dry years we’d been apart. I couldn’t get enough of him. Kayden wriggled in my lap like an earthworm, wanting to be set free. I hadn’t noticed that he had long finished his milk.

He waddled off to his corner where we kept his toys and sat down on the rug.

Alex was wearing a t-shirt when he returned with the two coffees. I swallowed a lump of disappointment. Coffee with a view of a barrel of a chest. Yum.