Page 7 of Want You Back

I padded out of my bedroom and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Several minutes later, I went to the kitchen.

One advantage of living in a small town was that rent was fairly cheap and I could afford to live in an apartment with a great kitchen. It was the thing that had made me decide on this place.

It was big with lots of modern equipment, including a dishwasher, as well as an old-fashioned table in the middle that could seat four people. I flung my fridge door open and contemplated what to make for breakfast.

As tempting as it was to make a fancy breakfast, I settled for good, old fashioned bacon and pancakes. Fancy breakfasts were reserved for when you knew a person more intimately, and knew their likes and dislikes. My fancy breakfast had backfired a couple of times over the years.

I hummed as I cooked, feeling amazingly fresh despite the active night I’d had. My clit felt swollen and heavy, but it was worth it. All the tension of the week was gone and I looked forward to the rest of the day.

Alex appeared just as I was piling our breakfast onto plates.


I looked up at the sound of heavy steps and when he emerged, my heart did flip flops in my chest. He was a beautiful man with a handsome face, a messy shock of hair falling over his forehead, and a body that oozed masculinity.

He was dressed only in his boxer briefs and my eyes remained glued to his chest. In the daylight, he looked like an Adonis, huge with a perfect body.

“Good morning, Gorgeous,” he said with a smile that lit up the room. He came to me and kissed me lightly on the mouth.

“Good morning,” I said, feeling a pang of shyness.

“I hope you don’t have a roommate,” he said, his eyes twinkling.

I laughed. “It’s a little too late to worry about that. But no, I don’t. Breakfast?” I slid the piled high plate on the table in front of him. “I figured that our bodies might need lots of sustenance after last night.”

Alex laughed. “This looks delicious, thanks Charlotte. I can’t remember the last time a woman cooked me breakfast.” He sat down and eagerly dug into his food.

I found myself wondering things about Alex as we ate. The reference to a woman cooking him breakfast. How many did he have in his past? Was he currently hung up over a woman? A man as hot as Alex could not be unattached. There had to be someone waiting in the wings.

Besides, what did it matter? Today was our last day together then we would both go back to our lives. His private life was none of my business.

“Mmmm… that was delicious. Thank you. I can see now why you’re in culinary school,” he said after he’d finished his food.

“You’re welcome.” Why did his compliments please me so much? Both of us were passing ships.

Alex pushed his chair back, and I experienced a moment of panic. Was he leaving already?

“I’ll clean up,” he said and carried the dishes to the sink.

“I have a dishwasher,” I told him.

“Nice,” he said. “I’ll stack them up then. What are your plans for the day?” We sounded like a couple, having a morning conversation.

“I like to walk along the river bank on Sunday mornings,” I told him. “Do you want to come?” The words left my mouth before I could stop them. I held my breath as I waited for his response.

It would be better if he said no. That he had to leave.

“I would love that,” he said.

Relief flooded me. I would have him a little longer. I grinned like a love-sick fool. “I’ll go grab a shower.”

“Wait,” he said. “Come here.” He leaned against the kitchen counter and faced me.

With my heart pounding hard, I closed the distance between us and stood close to him. So close that my breasts were touching his chest. Without warning, Alex gripped the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head.

I caught my breath as I stood half naked, with my breasts bared for him. My whole body heated under his lust-filled gaze. Then he growled. It was the sexiest sound I had ever heard. Unconsciously, I arched my back, pushing out my chest some more.

“They’re as beautiful as I remembered them last night,” he said. “I had to see them again this morning. Just to be sure.”

Alex in bed and Alex out of bed were two different men, I was discovering and I found both sides of him fascinating. He was sensual and dirty, and wild, and I had a feeling that he was reigning himself in. The out of bed Alex was playful and interesting to talk with.

A strange thought clicked into my head: I wanted all of Alex. I pushed it away with steely determination. Someday, some woman would be very lucky. What I did know was that I was not going to be that woman. My dreams and goals were too important to me.