Page 32 of Want You Back

“Why are you crying Chaz? What’s wrong?” A shadow of fear took residence in his eyes.

I smiled through my tears. “Just me being weird. I love you so much. These are tears of joy.”

“Are you sure?”

“What do I have to be unhappy about?” I said. “Now, fuck me!”

“I love it when you’re bossy,” he said.

He flipped us around and placed my legs on his shoulders. He made love to me with slow deep thrusts that made me whimper and cry out his name. Heat spread from my pussy, enveloping my whole body.

All too soon, an orgasm built. Alex sensed this and increased the pace of his thrusts and I angled myself so that he hit my clit with every stroke. I closed my eyes as an intense orgasm ripped through me. I bit my lower lip to keep from bursting into tears again.


Monday was a bitch at work and I was glad when the day was over and I could go home to my wife. The nights were becoming chilly and I couldn’t wait to snuggle up with Charlotte on the couch with a blanket draped over us.

Not that there was a chance of cuddling for long. Charlotte and I were like two explosive devices. One touch and we exploded. Just thinking about my sexy wife made me hard.

One of the advantages of living in our small town was the absence of traffic. In ten minutes, I was driving up our street. It was past seven and lights lit up in the houses I passed before I got to ours.

I smiled as I parked the car. Our house resembled a Christmas tree with most of the lights turned on. I’d stopped asking Charlotte to turn off the lights she wasn’t using when I realized that it was baggage she carried from her past.

She was left alone at home when she was a child, sometimes for days. It had torn me apart when Charlotte told me how she would leave the lights on at night to ward off monsters. Despite knowing in her logical mind that monsters did not exist, a part of her felt safer when the house was lit up.

One day, she would feel safe enough to turn them off, in the meantime, I was around to wrap her in my arms and make her feel safe. I turned off the ignition and got out of the car. With long quick strides, I was turning the front door key.

“I’m home Chaz,” I called out.

I shrugged out of my coat as I waited to hear Charlotte shout back at me where she was. My stomach rumbled at the spicy scent that filled the air. I kicked off my shoes and made for the kitchen. I peered into the pot on the stove. Chili. Yum.

I scooped a spoonful and shoved it into my mouth. I closed my eyes and sighed with ecstasy. The sound of swallowing echoed back at me. It suddenly hit me how silent the house was.

Chaz was usually in the shower, kitchen or bedroom. I went to look for her in our bathroom. It smelled of her floral shower gel which meant she had showered not too long ago. Where was she?

“Chaz?” I felt silly calling out in what was clearly an empty house. As I returned to the bedroom, I noticed the envelope on the bed. Puzzled, I took it and turned it over. It was addressed to me in Charlotte’s small neat handwriting.

A wisp of fear ran through me. Why would she write me a letter when we lived in the same house? With trembling fingers, I tore the envelope and removed a sheet of paper.

I started reading.

Dear Alex,

By the time you find this letter, I’ll be long gone. I’m sorry to start off the letter like this but there is no easy way to tell your husband that the marriage is over. Kaput. I hope this doesn’t come as a shock to you but I’m sure you noticed that I grew increasingly restless in the last couple of months.

While I do love you (I always will), I’m not cut out for marriage. I feel imprisoned, as if I should be out there doing grand things. That sounds horrible but I don’t know how else to explain. I think we got married too quickly without giving ourselves time to experience life before tying ourselves down.

There’s also this guy that I like. A lot. At work. We are going away together, to have some fun. To be young again. To be without responsibilities.

I urge you to do the same Alex. Go back to New York. Join your family firm. Have fun. That’s what I wish for you.

One more thing. I’ve signed our divorce papers. They are in the second drawer in the closet. Sign them and both of us will be free. I’m excited about this next phase of life, I hope you are too.