Page 16 of Want You Back

The phone rang once before Nina, our housekeeper picked up the phone. We exchanged a few pleasantries then my mother came on.

“Alexander, is that you?” she asked, even though I’d heard Nina tell her it was me.

“Yes Mother, it’s me,” I said, pleased to hear her voice. We didn’t speak a lot on the phone as she had a busy social life and I was also busy with school and now Charlotte.

“How nice to hear your voice,” she said. “Tell me you’re coming home. Your sister and Richard have some news for us. It would be nice if we were together as a family.”

I laughed. “I think you see into the future Mother. That’s the reason I was calling actually. I’m coming home on Friday.”

“Wonderful. We’re having a family dinner on Friday,” she said.

“I’m bringing a guest,” I said. “I’ve been seeing this girl. She’s wonderful Mother. You’ll all love her. I want her to meet my family first and then I’ll propose.”

There was silence from the other side. “A girl? That’s interesting. Abigail has been asking about you.”

My body tensed. As much as I loved my mother, she annoyed the heck out of me. She had very firm beliefs on how my sister and I should live our lives and for the most part I went along with it.

But choosing a woman to love and marry was definitely not one of the things I was going to compromise on. My mother was not going to pick my wife for me. Coming to Ohio for college had opened up my eyes to a lot of things. Separated from my circle, I had come into my own and figured out what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be.

I still wanted to work in my father’s firm but I wanted to be taken on merit. I was determined to work as hard as anyone else entering the firm who was not the partner’s kid.

I was proud because I had several offers from law firms in Ohio. I’d worked hard for it and now the future looked even brighter with Charlotte by my side.

“You two were so close growing up,” my mother continued, ignoring my silence. She liked to ignore things which were not to her liking.

It was true that Abigail had grown up in the same circle as me. Her parents and mine were good friends and in addition to attending the same school, we saw each other socially.

We’d even dated at one point, but I quickly realized we were not cut out to date. Abigail asking about me was not in any way romantic. It was just an old friend asking about another. Both sets of parents had been disappointed when we stopped dating and reverted back to friendship.

“Mother, did you hear what I said?” I said, my tone harsher than I intended. I softened it. “I’m bringing the woman I’m going to marry home.”

She sighed. “Okay then. I’ll have the guest room ready.”

I ignored her lack of enthusiasm. That would change when she met Charlotte. “Thank you.”

We spoke some more as I caught up on everyone. My father was busy in the law firm as usual. From my mother’s tales, my sister Mary had grown into a carbon copy of my mother. She filled her days with charity work and lunches with her friends.

I shook my head and failed to understand why she would choose that kind of life when she was so bright. She’d been accepted to the bar three years earlier and worked for Jack’s family firm before she abruptly resigned. If I got a chance, I would talk to her.

When I disconnected the call, it was to find Charlotte leaning on the doorway, a worried look on her face.

“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I walked in and you were on the phone. I couldn’t help but overhear. Are you sure that it’s okay that I’m coming home with you?”

The naked vulnerability on her face tore me apart. “Come here.”

She padded across the room, and sat down on my lap. I wrapped my hands around her waist protectively.

“I promise Its okay. Right this moment, Mother is getting the guest room ready for you,” I said, worrying about how much of the conversation she’d heard.

She let out a sigh and the worried look left her face.

“They’ll love you,” I said. I had no doubt that once my family met Charlotte they would love her as much as I did. How could they not? She was kind, gentle, funny and loyal as hell.

I kissed her deeply and then patted her ass. “You’ll be late for work.”

She cupped my face and kissed me. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I said.

* * *

When she left, I fished out my laptop and bought two tickets to New York. We would arrive at five in the evening. Perfect time to freshen up and socialize before dinner.