"When are we going to see the Eiffel tower?" I asked.

"When it's nice and dark," he replied and picked out a few more things. "It looks nice lit up at night."

I smiled. "You're a sap when you want to be."

"That's for sure," he said pulling his black American Express out.

That evening, I wore the emerald dress that he'd liked so much on me. He looked at me as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. Anyone would think I was an angel come down from heaven. I rolled my eyes.

Dinner was lavish and expensive, and the food was to die for. It was so good that by the time we were done, I was ready to curl up with a bottle of champagne, make love to him, and pass out in his arms.

"One more stop, remember?" he reminded me.

I sat up straighter as I felt excited all over again. "That's right, the Eiffel tower. I can't wait to see it."

Christian squeezed my hand and led me out of the car.

When we arrived, I gasped. He was right. I'd seen it online, but nothing compared to the grandeur and beauty of it lit up like this… up close. My heart swelled with appreciation and I dabbed at my eyes. "I know I’m being cheesy and commercial, but this is so beautiful," I whispered.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you."

I glanced down at him in surprise when I saw he had shifted down to one knee. In his hand, he had a blue velvet box. My mouth opened. He had brought me to the Eiffel tower to propose? It must be a dream. Or some romance movie I made up in my head.

He opened it and showed off a ring that was so beautiful I stared between it and him. I’d suddenly lost any skill to speak or think coherently.

He stared up at me his green orbs shining. " You make me the happiest man alive. Every day when I wake up, I realize it's because of you that I've turned back into who I was meant to be. Remember how cranky I was in the beginning?"

I laughed and nodded as tears slipped down my face. "So cranky it used to drive me nuts and make me want to pick on you."

He grinned. "Well, you changed that. I want to make you happy for the rest of my life. Will you marry me, Hannah Gray?"

Now, here was something I didn't even have to think about. I nodded vigorously as tears splashed down my cheeks. I couldn't speak as I threw my arms around him. When I pulled back, he slipped the ring onto my finger.

People were clapping and cheering around us.

I never cried so hard in my life.

"I love you too much," he whispered as his lips brushed against mine.

"And I love you from the bottom of my heart," I whispered back.

Christian kissed me and my knees went weak.

At that moment, the only thing that existed was us. I can tell you now, I was damn happy to become the future Mrs. West.

Damn happy.

The End