Annie gasped. "Like how the elephant stepped on the chicken’s toe?"

Hannah nodded her head. "It's very easy to do and I don't want you to get hurt, okay? As soon as the party is over, we'll kick our shoes off together and relax."

"Okay," Annie agreed seriously. "I'll go pick a movie."

"Thank you," Hannah called after her as she rushed out on her mission.

"Thank you," I told Hannah.

“You’re welcome,” she said with a smile.

I lifted a brow. "Are you attending my birthday party in your towel?"

Hannah shook her wet hair at me.

I grinned. "Are you trying to ruin my suit?"

She grinned back. "Don't get on my nerves and I won't shake water on your nice suit."

"You think it's nice?" I murmured, wrapping a hand around the back of her neck.

"I think it would be nicer on the floor,” she whispered. “While you're on top of me."

How did she do that? Hannah always knew exactly what words would drive me absolutely insane. I kissed her and she moaned against my mouth. My hand gripped her ass and squeezed.

She swatted my hand away. "Annie, remember?"

I nodded. "Sorry. You're right. Guests should be here any minute, why don't you go get dressed?"

Hannah nodded and headed upstairs.

As soon as she'd disappeared, I heard the doorbell ring. I answered it to find a group of my friends on the doorstep.

I chatted with them as soft music played throughout the house. Waiters circulated with silver platters of canapes, and champagne started flowing like water.

I took a sip from my own flute and nearly choked when I saw Hannah.

"Are you okay?" Daniel, a business acquaintance, asked as he offered me a napkin.

"Yeah…" I cleared my throat. "I'm great. I'm really great."

Hannah was descending down the stairs like an angel wrapped in gold. The dress showed off her shoulders and hugged her curves. It was so tight she had to move slowly, so she wouldn't trip. I could tell she felt nervous about it. She didn't need to worry. It looked like she was floating.

Her sparkling blue eyes locked on mine and my heart hammered away. I'd seen her in so many things, but never something so formal. The necklace that touched her collarbone and dipped between her breasts drew my eyes. All of it made her seem like she was glowing. She reached the bottom of the stairs and smiled at me before I remembered the rest of the world existed.

"Christian West, you'll catch flies in your mouth," she teased as she walked up to me. "I take it you like the look?"

Liked it? I wanted to rip it off of her and fuck her until she couldn't do anything but moan my name from those pink lips. I wanted to hide her away and keep her to myself. Every bit of Hannah made my body kick up into a higher gear. I fucking craved this woman.

"You look beautiful," I said honestly. "Absolutely stunning."

Hannah's cheeks turned rosy. She tried to hide the fact, but I'd gotten used to her ways. Her fingers slipped up her cheeks to tuck away a stray hair.

"And who is this?" Dan asked.

"This is Annie’s nanny, Hannah."

"Hello,” she said shaking his hand. “Speaking of Annie, I better go check on her and her friends before they burn down the house or something. I'll be back in a minute."

She turned and I stared at her back hungrily. The dress showed off her delicious ass. I wanted to reach out and grab it, but we were in a room full of people. I had to remind myself of that, or I'd be climbing on top of her in no time.

"Happy birthday, Christian."

I turned around and didn't even try to suppress the frown that tugged at my lips.

Gabriel. He wore his hair slicked back, which made him look slimy. Like a pimp or a gigolo. He was smiling at me, but the expression in his eyes told me he dreamed of seeing me burn in hell.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to wish you a happy birthday, of course. What kind of brother would I be if I didn't do that?"

"A self-aware one," I shot back. "In no way, do I want you to be here. Why don't you turn around and leave?"

Instead of listening, Gabriel snagged a flute of champagne from a passing waiter and delicately sipped from it as he glanced around.

I knew he was just trying to get to me, and I was a little irritated that it was working.

"Mmm… this shit is good,” he said tipping the glass back and completely draining it. “I think I'll stick around for a bit," he drawled. "There's nothing better than being with family, right?"

"You and I both know we're far from family," I muttered. "If you think I'll make a scene and ruin my own party though, you're wrong. I'll let you stay here and mingle with your betters. It will be the best punishment for you."