I pushed down and the condom unfurled itself around his hard shaft. It gripped him snugly. Slowly I lowered my head. Inch after inch he sank into my lips until my lips were pressed against his groin. He was nestled in my throat, throbbing and rock hard as I gazed up at him with a victorious look.

"Hannah," he groaned. "Fuck, you're too much you know that?"

I could only hum in agreement. That vibration sent his hips jerking as he bucked into my throat. I came up for air as I wiped saliva from my lips and chin as he watched with admiration. He scrambled to get up, but I pushed against his chest and straddled his lap.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" I whispered.

Christian nodded hard. "So damn bad."

I didn't tease him, I wasn't that cruel. Instead, I gripped his cock and steadied it before I slowly let myself sink down on his hard flesh. He bucked, jolted, moaned, and grunted as I took him in. By the time he'd bottomed out inside of me, I was in heaven.

"Too much?" he asked with a smug grin on his lips.

My answer was to lift myself upwards and slam back down hard.

My nipples were peaked hard as pleasure swept through me. Suddenly, I was lost. I raised and lowered myself again and again as the sound of my wet pussy hitting his groin reached my ears.

Christian was a wild man. He spanked my ass until it felt as if my cheeks were glowing. I shoved a hand between us and stroked my clit until the point of ecstasy. When I became too tired to bounce on his cock, Christian had no problem moving me. He grabbed my hips and guided me up and down as I moaned and held on for dear life.

Our mouths connected and our tongues caressed each other. We kissed so hard our teeth clashed, but we didn't care. Together, we panted and moaned.

Then he held me in place and began to ram into me. After that first rough thrust, he rutted like he was desperate for my pussy until he bucked and swore. "Need to come," he groaned. "Right now."

I wrapped my legs around his back. "Come for me baby."

Christian gripped me hard, his breath in my ear as he worked himself harder.

His cock twitched and pulsed inside me as I clenched down and buried my face in the crook of his neck. At that moment, a powerful orgasm tore through me and left me spent. I was high among the clouds, with him buried deep inside me, as he found his release.

We stayed wrapped up in each other's arms for a long time. Neither of us wanting to move. The heat and closeness of his body lulled me into a comfortable state. I yawned and nestled against him.

He gazed down at me.

"What?" I asked quietly.

Christian shook his head.

I wanted to ask what he was thinking about, but I knew it was better to leave it alone at the moment.

I was content.

He was content.

There was no reason to ruin the moment.

Chapter Twenty


"What the hell are you doing?" I asked as I stepped through the door and stared.

"We were—um—it's a long story," Hannah said sheepishly.

"Why are you both covered in paint?"

"We're paintings Daddy, duh!"

"Yeah, duh." Hannah grinned. "Clearly, we belong somewhere hung up in museums."

Both of them were painted head to toe in a barrage of colorful pastels. Annie had whiskers on her face. Hannah sported hearts and shapes on her cheeks. I could see the paint as it extended up and down their bodies, both of them covered as they stood there in their swimsuits. My eyes softened at Annie, but when they landed on Hannah—it was a different story.

Damn, she looked amazing.

I had a harder time denying my intense attraction, or her with each passing day. It had been a little over a week since we'd started having sleepovers. As she stood there in the bright blue bikini, brown hair trailing down her shoulders and those deep blue eyes trained on me, I felt my heart skip a beat. There was no way any woman should look so beautiful when covered in paint. It struck me then that unlike all my past relationships, I still wasn't bored with our arrangement. I loved it. I loved having her.

I wagged a finger at both of them. "Don't you two start. And don't say duh. Is Hannah teaching you bad habits?"

Annie smiled. "No, Daddy. Hannah is the bestest nanny ever."

"See?" Hannah huffed. "The bestest. How dare you?"

I sighed and shook my head. The two of them together were a force to be reckoned with and I often found myself outvoted. So far, we'd gone mini golfing, played at an in-the-dark-glow tag place, gone fishing and visited the waterpark. Twice. They both loved to rip and run. I felt like the old man trying to keep up.