Page 48 of The CEO & I

I only wait five minutes before someone comes up to the podium. It’s one of the people we met when we got here. Something that now seems so far away. A distant memory that maybe one day I won’t even remember, along with the rest of this trip.

The guy introduces Luke and the room claps. He’s a big name, and everyone here has been looking forward to his presentation. I have to catch my breath when I see him. He looks so gorgeous, so hot, so distant. It seems incredible to think that I had sex with him. I woke up next to him. My heart starts to race. I hate that I have to stare up at him for the next hour or so when I cannot have him. My eyes fill with sudden tears. It’s dark in the hall and I surreptitiously wipe my eyes.

He smiles at crowd before stepping up to the podium. “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. For the three or four of you who don’t know me, I’m Luke Remington, CEO of Omega.”

A wave of laughter sweeps through the room. He’s already got them eating from the palm of his hand.

“I’m so glad to be in this beautiful country, talking to you today. It’s been an honor to come here, to learn about the culture, and meet a lot of cool people. Although I mostly came for the Thai food.”

The crowd laughs again.

I look around at the hundreds of people here, all watching Luke. I wonder what it’s like to stand up there and have all of them staring at you. It’s got to be nerve-wracking. But Luke is as confident and commanding as he is in a personal meeting. Despite everything, I’m impressed.

“I know that I’m supposed to be up here talking about business,” he says. “I’m supposed to make you guys trust me and like me. I’m supposed to make you trust my business. But there’s something else I want to talk about. Something far more important.”

I’m confused. None of this was in the notes I prepared for him. He’s going off book, and it’s really irritating me because I worked so hard on it. It’s almost like he’s kicking me when I’m down. Like, ‘Hey, Jade. Let me stomp on your heart some more. This speech you worked so hard on is useless.’

I want to walk out of here and never look back. Instead, I stare at my nails, trying not to let my anger show.

“You see,” Luke continues. “I came here on a business trip, hoping to get some new clients and expand my business. What I didn’t come here for was love.”

I freeze and look up at the stage. He’s looking right at me. He found me in the dark! I’m not sure what he’s doing, but I know I’m supposed to be listening. I continue to make eye contact with him while he continues his speech.

“Today, is a momentous day for me,” he says. “Because I’m going to make an announcement to you all. I am madly in love with my assistant, Jade. And before everyone freaks out as to why this matters, I’ll tell you why it matters. I hurt her. And I’m sorry.”

I vaguely hear gasps and muttering from the crowd, but it’s all white noise in the background. Tears sting my eyes, and I’m trying hard to hold them back. I don’t want to cry in front of all these people.

“I hurt you, Jade. And for that I’m sorry, but I need you to know something.” He looks around the room. “I need all of you to know something.”

He gets off the stage and walks over to me. Whoever is running the stage lights follows him with the spotlight.

“I’m in love with you,” he says, standing in front of me with the mic still around his head. “I love you, and I want to be with you. I’m ready to take the leap if you are.”

Chapter 24


I feel hundreds of eyes staring at me, but I don’t care, because the only eyes that matter in this moment are his. He gazes down at me, and there’s no more fear or uncertainty there. All I see is love. And then his perfect lips press into mine.

At first, there is stunned silence, then the crowd goes wild. Cheering, clapping and whistling.

My heart feels as if it will burst with happiness as I kiss him back and cling to him desperately. In my kiss is everything I want him to know. I forgive him. I want to be with him. We pull apart because we’re still in a room full of people.

He stands up tall and waves to the crowd. “Thank you all for allowing me to share this with you.” Then he grins sheepishly and adds, “Um, creating wealth is great, but always follow your heart, I guess is my message.”