“Maybe I should start there.”

I barely smother a scream of you had better stay right there, but I quickly change my tune when Hal’s stubbled chin traces over my belly and his lips go to work, driving me mad. He plants kisses over my belly, hips, around my belly button, and up, over my ribs. I squirm a little because who doesn’t have ticklish ribs, but also because, oh my holy stars, that feels incredible. I try to lay stoic and not give Hal the pleasure of knowing just how crazy he’s driving me, but my body has its own mind, and my hips swivel and bump up. My breasts are already straining for his touch, my nipples hard peaks that will probably shatter when he finally does get there.

But nope, they don’t shatter. What they do instead is thrust up into that warm, welcome mouth with the clever tongue and rasp of burning stubble that should dang well be shaved soon, but maybe not too soon. Soon, he adds teeth to the mix, gently scraping them over one nipple while he works the other with his skillful fingers.

“Holy fuck,” I grind out. “I mean, uh, holy duck, I think you have room for improvement.”

Hal blows a burst of cool air over my left nipple and pinches my right, which causes my back to arch like a tightly drawn bow. He just has to get an arrow, and I could probably be used successfully as a weapon. I squirm wildly beneath him, half trying to tear away and half trying to choke him by shoving my whole boob into his mouth.

Hal’s hair is everywhere, and it tickles my ribs and sensitive skin. He lifts his head and trails it over my aching breasts as he goes for my mouth and kisses me like I’m everything he’s been searching for in life—the last missing piece he finally found to complete his puzzle–and holy ducks in a row for real, it makes my head swim even more.

“You know, if you really want to see stars, we should do it the right way.” He kisses me again so that my lips and chin feel wonderfully raw from the burn of his stubble.

“You mean just sticking it in?”

He leans up and looks down at me, a funny expression on his face. “No. I…I mean…well, I had other things planned.”

“Oh, did you?”

“You could sit on my face.”

“No!” I struggle to sit up and nearly headbutt him. “It’s bright in here! I wouldn’t even do that in the dark.”

“Hmm,” he hums in his throat. “Hmm.”


“Hmm. That’s something we’ll have to work on in the coming weeks. Or weeks full of coming. Whichever you prefer.”

I wrap my hands around his neck and kiss him again. I think I’m most surprised at the fact that I love kissing him and how just kissing him makes my nipples even sharper and harder and my va-jay even more opera-ish, and all my muscles even more throbby. I partake of his mouth hungrily until he rips away and slowly trails hot kisses down my neck, over my breasts, and back down my belly. There, he settles himself between my legs again. I think he’s going to torture me again by not tasting me, and I swear it might earn him the imprint of my toes right on his forehead near the elastic band mark, but he dives in, and it’s all I can do not to become a human bow again.

My hips do launch themselves into his face, but he grips them tightly with one big hand splayed right across my belly and holds me down. His tongue thrashes over my center, diving inside me without hesitation, and his other hand caresses my thighs while he eats me noisily and totally shamelessly.

Holy crap, I do not want to come in five seconds, but Hal knows what he’s doing. I already know he’s amazing with his fingers, but I had no idea anyone could be so good with their tongue. And their lips.

I throw my hands above my head and ball them into the comforter as I hold on. I try to pull myself up and away, but it’s about as useless as trying to swallow an entire cow at once just because I’m starving. It’s never going to happen. Moo.

I’m held firmly in place by Hal’s hand and his wicked, delicious, wondrous, star-giving mouth. I jerk against him, my legs tremble and shake, my belly heaves, and my hips dance willingly to the tune he’s setting. And he’s barely even touched my clit yet. I think we both know that the second he uses his tongue in sweet little flicks or suckles me deep into his mouth, I’m going to be gone, and I don’t think he wants this to end yet. I don’t want it to end yet either, but I’m dangerously close, even without any attention on my clit.