“What I said?”

She strokes me again, like a punishment now, for displeasing her with my denseness, but it’s a fine punishment, I must say. “About…uh, well…the orgasm thing.” Stella quickly punctuates that with a quick flick of her wrist and a smooth movement of her thumb, which makes me feel like the room is spinning because it’s so good. I lay there silently, trying to gather my wits enough to even speak when she helps me out. “I’ve never had one before…with anyone. I mean, you know, not with another person.”

At her confession, I sit up halfway, shoving my elbows down hard into the comforter and pushing my upper body upright. “What?!”

She won’t look at me. “Whatever. Don’t get arrogant or let it go to your head. Your head is already big enough as it is. I’m just…I don’t know. It never really happened for me, but it was surprisingly easy with you.”

What she just said is a big deal, and I can barely process it. “You were…you were an orgasm virgin?”

“No!” She smooths her thumb over my head again, and I nearly lose it right there. “No, uh…I don’t know. I’d had them before. Alone.”

Any man would be thrilled with this information, but I’m beyond that. I feel…I don’t even know how to put into words what I feel. I feel honored. Amazed. Blessed.

“I…wow. I…well, I hope I can give you many more. And err, I hope you’ll share them with me.”

Stella strokes me again, and my balls threaten real action this time. “Only you would say that.”

“I would?”

“Yes. Only you.”

“Well then.” I have to put a stop to what she’s doing, unfortunately, before I embarrass myself completely.

I pull Stella into me, claiming her mouth while working her shirt up to her chin. When it’s finally there, we break apart so I can tug it off. “Let me try to show you the stars again.”



“You can try,” I goad Hal, even though I know it’s dangerous. I know how much he loves to rise to a challenge, and let’s not even begin to talk about what daring the guy does to him.

“I’ll do more than try.” He waggles his eyebrows wickedly and goes for my jeans. It only takes him a few seconds to tear them down my legs and free me of my panties. My bra goes next, undone with sure, strong fingers that make my skin erupt in goosebumps.

“First,” Hal says, and goodness yes, I can tell he’s accepted my throw down with great pleasure. “I’ll show you the stars with my tongue.” He flips me over onto my back before I can even let out a squeak.

He arranges my legs—planting my feet on the bed and slipping his huge, muscly arms underneath my knees—and then pulls me to him. I grab his head and haul him the rest of the way because yes, there is so much of me that wants him to do this, and no, I don’t really care about all those small details at the moment. Well, right. So they might not be small, but I still don’t care.

Hal’s hair pulls out of his bun at my rough treatment, and my fingertips are treated to the softest, most wondrous silk ever invented, which is his hair. I twist my fingers through it while the rest of me starts throbbing when his breath hits right there. It’s been a very long time since my lady cave got excited about anything, but she’s excited now.

“Beautiful,” Hal hums, and my hips buck at that one sensual word that contains so much emotion. It contains a lot of sensation, too, because I feel that word straight to my pit.

Hal looks up at me, and I know he’s teasing me. He wants to make sure I’m good and worked up, that I truly want him before he tastes me. I slowly move my hand over my belly, trailing it up until I cup my breast. I roll my index finger over my right nipple and gasp out loud at the jolt of heat that shoots from the spot.

Hal groans. “You’re going to kill me before I even begin. Then what would you do?”

I lift a shoulder while I slowly caress my nipple until the stiff peak is even harder. I don’t know how I’m so remarkably calm when what I really want to do is lift my hips and thrust them into Hal’s face in a silent demand that he put his mouth to better use than teasing me with his usual, ridiculously on point, comments.

“I guess I’d do what I’m good at and send myself to the stars.”

Hal’s expression changes to one of amazement, and his eyes burn with enough desire to incinerate the entirety of the state. I can’t believe he’s looking at me like that, but he is. It makes me feel… Well, it makes me feel good in ways I’ve never felt good before. It makes my lady bits feel like breaking into spontaneous song, which would probably come out as an opera, because why wouldn’t my va-jay be good at opera? It makes the hair on my arms stand on end, my legs vibrate, my toes curl into the soft feather comforter, and my other nipple, which I’ve denied any attention to, stand up like it’s ready to have its go at cutting glass.