Her legs start trembling, and she hooks one around me, opening herself to me but also using me as a foothold—a way to stop the trembling and also something to hold on to.

I know Stella has to walk out of here after this, which is the only thing that stops me from bending my head and sucking on her nipple right through her shirt until the fabric is wet and nearly translucent.

Stella’s hands crawl up my shoulders again, exploring the ridges before grasping them firmly. “Oh my god,” she whispers. “This is…this is actually kind of nice.”

“Don’t sound so surprised.” I press down on her clit before I circle away.

She rides my hand, her hips moving a little wilder now, trying to take as I give, and I can tell she’s getting close. Her whole body is starting to shake and vibrate with her urgency, her need, her desperation.

“Why shouldn’t I sound surprised? I don’t even like you.”

I take her mouth wildly, slipping my tongue through the seam of her lips when she parts them and stroking hers with more fervor until we are burning up in flames. “I think you’re a liar,” I groan against her lips. Could she be any hotter? And I’m about to discover just how much as she threads her fingers through my hair and guides my face back. She kisses me hard, scraping her teeth brutally over my bottom lip and suckling my top lip into her mouth to do the same. I wonder if it’s possible to give lips a hickey. If it is, I might be walking out of here bruised.

Stella blinks when she pulls back. “I’m not a liar.”

“I think you are. I think you’ve wanted this for a very long time.”


“I think you just told yourself you didn’t so many times that you actually believed you had convinced yourself it was true. Really, I think it’s there, buried under a lot of layers of denial, and a lot of other stuff.”

“What is?” she pants.

“Me. The fact that you want me, but you thought you could never have me. This.”

“No,” she growls.

My hand stills. “Maybe I should stop then.”

“No!” Stella sinks her nails into my shirt so hard that they bite into my skin—fabric and all. “Don’t you freaking stop, you bastard!”

“So, you might not have wanted it before, but you want it now. Is that what you’re saying?”

Her eyes practically roll back in her head as I thrust a little faster, circling her clit with my thumb more firmly. God, I’d like to do this to her with my tongue, but again, I know we have to leave here in some sort of decent order. I can’t have everyone talking about what went on in here. I’ve already taken things too far. Decency is just about beyond us now.

“I…don’t…know…” She pants harder now.

The tremors have set in deep, right to the bone. I know Stella is going to need time to process this, what it means, and I really hope she decides she wants to do this again and more. She’s stubborn, though, and I know I’ll have my work cut out for me. Work I’m fully prepared to do, which I prove by slamming my mouth to hers again and trapping her screams as she finally shatters, coming hard and fast as I bury my fingers deep inside her. Her walls clench around me, so tight that it takes all the control I have not to let out my own release right then and there.

Yeah. That would seriously not help with the plan to leave my office in some semblance of being put together.

I let Stella come down from the climax and kiss her until I’m certain I’ve contained all the sounds. Then I kiss her some more, just because it’s bloody pleasant. After I’m sure she’s done, I slide my hand away, resisting the urge to suck my fingers clean in front of her because that would also probably release the last bit of my self-control, which is about as fragile as some kind of glass figurine right now. But I savor the kiss for a few more seconds, just for good measure.

Stella is absolutely silent when I reach for her pants and panties.

“You should probably put these back on if you’re planning on making an exit anytime soon.”

“You know I am,” she grumbles. “I’m going straight to the bank.” She hops off my desk and nearly falls on her face. I reach out for her, but she shrugs my hand away. My desk is wet where she was perched. I don’t point it out because there’s a good chance she might faint dead away or scream at me, and I don’t want either of those to happen in my office.

“To get your information?”

“Yes,” she snaps as she slides her panties up her legs. She wobbles again, but I don’t offer to help this time. She goes for her jeans, stepping into one leg then the other before jumping as she pulls them up. It’s the most adorable way I’ve ever seen a person put on pants. “The bank is nearer, and it will be quicker than going back to my apartment. So the freaking bank it is.”