But when I’d found out you’d told Celeste about that, I felt really betrayed especially when she turned that into college campus news and made-up nasty rumors about that. But I know you and I know you did not mean that to happen. But it was the worst day of my life, at least that’s what I thought.

But I was wrong. You shutting the door in my face the other night after we’ll just slept together was the worst day of my life. I desperately wanted to tell you that I was pregnant with your baby. And I also wanted to tell you that you were my very first ever. I have never been with a man before. I guess I was waiting for you even after all these years because I’m desperately in love with you. I always have. I just never fully admitted the depth of my feelings even to myself. I let my insecurities take over instead.

I still don’t know why you were so angry the other night. I thought maybe it was because you’d had your fun with me and couldn’t wait for our trip to be over. Plus, it just got worst and worst after that. I’m sorry you found out about the baby the way you did. I had been agonizing over how to tell you since I found out at that little country doctor’s office.

I understand what a shock this must be for you, as it was for me too. But I want you to know that I would never force you to be involved if you didn’t want to be. But I do plan on keeping the little life growing inside of me.

And you are welcome into our lives if you want to be part of it.



I could feel a huge lump in my throat by the time I’d finished reading the note. I should’ve talked about it with Carla right then when I overheard her talking about her pregnancy. Instead, I have bottled it up and everyday since, I have just made everything worse and worse. What an idiot I’d been.

I felt Carla turn in my arms and smiled. I put the note and phone down beside the bed to roll over, spooning her. I started kissing the side of her neck. She took a deep breath and sighed.

She was wearing a belted robe and I wanted to take it off to feel her satin smooth skin under my arms.

“Hey sleepy head,” I said softly and watched her turn toward me.

Her beautiful brown eyes opened. And I saw tears start forming at the corners of her eyes as she looked at me.

“I’m sorry,” Carla whispered. “I should’ve told you on the same day I found out.”

“And I should have told you that I overheard you talking to Hayley the morning you left my bed so early. That’s why I was being such a bad sport. I already knew but I was angry because I thought you did not want me to have anything to do with you or the baby. That was stupid of me. I should have trusted you.” I propped my head on my elbow looking down at her. With my other hand, I swipe off her tears, smiling down at her.

“It was a nice surprise waking up to find you next to me.” I kissed her forehead.

“I went down to eat.” Carla said snuggling closer to me I ran my finger down the middle of her breasts toward the belt of the robe. “When you did not come down, I came looking for you. You were fast asleep and I was so tired, so I just curled up next to you.”

“I’m glad you did.” I pulled the belt apart and parted her robe. She was gloriously naked underneath. “You are so beautiful,” I whispered and bent my head to stream kisses from her throat down to her belly.

“Damon,” Carla pulled my head back up to her face, “I have so much to tell you.”

“It’s okay.” I smiled down at her. “I read your note.”

“Snooping again?” She gave me a seductive smile.

“Mmm.” I ran my hand up her body before lowering my head to claim her lips.

Carla wrapped her arms around me as I gently pulled her toward me.

“I know this is not the most romantic time to say it,” Damon said between kisses, “but I love you, Carla. I always have just like you did. It should never have taken us so long to admit it to each other. We were idiots. And I’m all in with our child, and if you’ll have me, I want us to be a family.”

I looked down at her and noticed the tears welling up again in her eyes. I smiled and kissed them away.

“Will you make an honest man out of me and marry me, Princess Carla?” I asked her softly.