Now I needed some air and to go to the bathroom. Damon found the nearest gas station and stopped there for me. He was still seething and muttering about his phone. I was so desperate to get to the restroom that I was out the door before he’d switched off the car’s engine. I didn’t even bother to take my purse or phone; all I could think of was getting there before I peed my pants.

When I got back to the car to get my purse so I could get something to snack on, I was shocked by what I saw. My whole body turned to ice when I found Damon staring at a phone that looked a lot like mine. When I realized it was my phone and Damon was reading the messages on it, Mt. Carla went into a full emotional eruption, fueled by a tidal wave of hormones.

I yanked the car door open and when Damon wouldn’t give my phone back, I saw red and the next thing I knew I was in the car in attack mode. After a lot of hand slapping, pinching, kicking, hair pulling, and yelling were not getting me my phone back, I bit him. I sunk my teeth into the hand he was trying to fend me off with.

That got his attention but before we could go any further, the owner of the gas station came to see if everything was alright. Damon didn’t know how close I’d come to getting the man to call the police while I packed up heading for Spain. I thought the climate is a little better there as are the people.



I had a very bad night the night before. I tossed and turned because my head was spinning with questions that needed answers. I had to stop myself on many occasions from storming over to Carla’s room and demanding an explanation.

My bad night had spilled over into a bad mood, which didn’t get better as we drove through the countryside. I needed time to think but with Carla’s continued sighing, hissing, and looking at the speed I was going, I couldn’t concentrate.

I knew I was driving really slowly but I was worried about Carla and the baby. Just because I was angry at her didn’t mean I wanted her in any danger.

I was so deep in thought that I’d not heard Carla tell me to take the next turn and then tried to correct the situation. Luckily, we were not on a motorway but backroads so I could look for a safe place to pull over and turn back. But the only safe place to make a u-turn was a town about thirty-five miles down the road. It seemed like once again we landed up in the middle of nowheresville.

Carla was once again in desperate need of the toilet. During my sleepless night, I’d Googled about pregnant women roughly eleven weeks along. Apparently needing the toilet a lot was normal. Carla refused to pee on the side of the road and would rather sit uncomfortably for hours. I did not think that was good for her or the baby. I could also not say anything because she didn’t know I’d overheard her conversation with Hayley. There was a gas station in the town, so we could fill up, get some refreshments, and find our way home. We’d been driving in the back of beyond for three days now. How did the settlers do it without motorways or GPS? We were so lost that even our GPS was lost.

When we pulled up, Carla was out of the car and heading for the ladies’ before I’d switched off the engine. Once again, my first instinct was to reach out and stop her. Good grief, did she know not to get out of a car until the engine was switched off? I knew that I was going to get tongue twisted sooner or later and blurt something out. I felt like I was walking on eggshells and that made my mood ever darker. I shouldn’t be feeling like this and Carla shouldn’t be trying to make difficult decisions on her own. I’d read that pregnant women could act irrational and emotional during this time. The last thing I wanted her to do was make a decision she would regret or I could never forgive her for.

She’d left her phone on the seat, a phone she’d not taken her nose out of since we’d started off on the journey that morning. I’d heard all the blips and bleeps of the many messages that she’d received and sent in the past hours. While she played on her phone, I was trying to drive and navigate. Okay, so I had fired her as the navigator when it was actually my fault. But I was in such a state the previous day that I blamed her for everything. She was the cause of my terrible sleepless nights with her secret and me worrying about what she was thinking.