
I was ready to check out and headed over to Carla’s room to fetch her. I knocked on the door but there was no answer, and the door swung a little bit open. I heard her talking to someone and popped my head into the room.

“Hayley, what am I going to do about it?” I heard Carla say and realized she must be on her phone. I was about to leave as I didn’t want to eavesdrop but what I heard next stopped me dead in my tracks. “The doctor said around eleven weeks.”

Eleven weeks? I frowned. What was eleven weeks?

“You might think it would be fun to be pregnant together, but I’m not sure.” Shock waves zinged through me. Carla was pregnant. That was why she’d been so sick and why her body seemed fuller. Eleven weeks? My eyes open wide. Oh my God! That would be around the time of our first night together. And we never used protection, which was a first for me. With Carla, I just kind of forgot about it. Everything had felt so good and right with her. And she had not mentioned anything, so back then I had just assumed she was on the pills or something. But it was only afterward that I had realized it might not actually be the case.

“I’m not sure, Hayley,” Carla said. “I’ll let you know what I decide to do about it when I get home.”

What she decided to do about it? Surely, she didn’t mean what I thought she did? Was she going to tell me about her pregnancy or was she going to decide what to do about it on her own? Anger burned in my gut at the thought of Carla not giving me a say in what to do about it. Not it, a baby, our baby.

My first instinct was to march into her room and demand to know what the hell gave her the right to decide the fate of our child alone. She didn’t make that baby on her own. I would be damned if I didn’t get a say in what she did about our child. I knew storming in there wasn’t a good idea. Besides, I needed time to cool off and think. My head was reeling, and I felt like I was in some weird alternate dimension right now.

I quietly closed her door. I stood outside of her door waiting for a minute before knocking loudly on her door.

Carla answered the door, all ready to go.

“My phone is charged and ready to get us home.” Carla gave me a tight smile.

“Mine is too.” I gave her a blank look. I couldn’t help myself; the conversation I’d overheard played over and over in my brain. I was still trying to process finding out Carla was pregnant and her telling Hayley first.


I could not believe how bad Carla was at reading a map. Even a map that her phone read out to her she couldn’t follow. Her directions and navigation skills were just as bad as her dancing was. Disastrous and dangerous. Even with following her GPS, she’d gotten us lost again.

Now I was furious at her for keeping things from me. And it was not even one thing. She had another secret she did not even bother telling me on our first night together. Secrets I had to find out by myself instead of her coming clean and telling me. Granted her not telling me the first one was probably because of the college incident. But there was no excuse for her keeping the second one from me. It was a freaking baby after all. And now she’d gotten us lost once again.

My anger rose because we needed to find a gas station fast or we were going to run out of fuel in the back of beyond.

“Why are you blaming me here?” Carla glared at me. “You’re the one who didn’t take the turn when I told you to because you were in some la-la land daydream.”

“You could’ve given me some advance warning.” I glared back at her. “The GPS tells you right there on the corner of the screen how many miles before the turn.”

“I did.” Carla gave me her smug face, “Four times!”



Good grief. What had crawled up Damon’s butt? He’d been in a black mood for two days now. At first, I wondered if it was because I slipped off to my own room early in the morning the night before last after we’d shared another night of sizzling hot passion. I had to message Hayley and I’d wanted to look at the scan of the little bump growing inside of me again.

The last few days I’d been in shock and had not quite processed that there was this little life growing inside of me. When I had told Hayley, she’d squealed so loud I thought she’d woken up the entire inn and deafened me for life.