Hayley had actually sent me a message I had not read yet. All I saw were the names Damon and Celeste, so I had ignored it.

“This last incident was pretty bad.” I heard him fiddling on his phone. “I got home and found her in my house. She’d called a locksmith and told them she’d locked herself out.” He sighed again. “If Hayley and Drew hadn’t rocked up when they did, I would probably be in jail right now. She even wrecked my car when she left in a huff.”

That must’ve been the day Celeste had sent me that picture. Every time I blocked that woman, she would get a new number and start sending me messages again. I couldn’t change my phone number as I used it for business as well. Instead, I’d gotten my lawyers to send her and her father a nice letter stating that all my messages are now being logged. Her father should be getting that nice letter sometime tomorrow.

I really didn’t have time for insecure petty people. I myself have not been feeling too well these past few weeks. My chemist at the vineyard had said it was probably stress and I needed to slow down. He was probably right. I’d been working so hard that it was only natural that my body was going to start taking strain. Last week I had hardly run because I’d been physically ill. Everything felt tender and I was so moody. I really, really needed this break.

Damon had barely sat down and I could feel my stress levels rising again. My temples started to ache and I was starting to feel a little bit nauseous. I found sucking on a mint really helped. But to get my mints, I would have to open my eyes and get my purse. Damon had just stopped talking and I wanted him to think I’d fallen asleep. Maybe some light meditation would take the sick feeling away.

I let myself drift off to my happy place. Riding a beautiful black stallion on a white sandy beach with the waves crashing against the shore. I allowed myself to sink deeper into my imaginings, which together with the motion of the bus, I soon drifted off to sleep.


Someone was calling my name. But I was on shaky ground so I couldn’t turn around to see who they were. The shaking got harder and the person calling my name’s voice got louder.

“Carla!” Damon’s voice pierced my happy place and woke me up.

“Oh, sorry,” I said, realizing my head was resting on his shoulder.

“I don’t mind being your pillow.” Damon smiled at me. “We’re at the first stop.”

I stretched, got my purse, and fixed myself up while I waited for other people on the bus to get off.

“Are you that person who sits and waits for everyone to get off an airplane?” Damon grinned at me.

“I do, yes.” I gave him a tight smile. “I hate being squashed in a mad dash to get out of an airplane or a bus.”

“I can understand that,” Damon said sitting with me. “I’m usually one of those mad dashers.”

“You don’t have to wait for me,” I assured him. “I’m quite happy to sit and wait on my own.”

“I’m good,” Damon said. “But I think that guy getting off is the last of the mad dashers.”

I couldn’t help but smile at him.

“Well, then what are you waiting for?” I stood up. “Let’s get the hell off this bus. I need to stretch my legs.”

My stomach rolled a bit but I ignored it. I already had Damon to contend with. I didn’t need my stress sickness to rear its ugly head this soon on the trip.


The wine farm of our first stop also had a guest house where we’d all be staying for the first night. We were going to leave right after breakfast the next day. The vineyard was small but had a good turnover each year. Their guest house was five star and very well known within the wine community.

As we were led through the door of the vineyard and the winery I had to admit I rather enjoyed Damon’s company. Everyone else on the tour had either come with a colleague or partner. It was nice not to feel like the odd one out with Damon at my side. He also asked all the right questions and was able to answer mine for me instead of me having to ask our host. He was actually pretty knowledgeable in wine, more so than me. I was kind of impressed even though I did not want to admire Damon or have anything to do with him. I always end up hurt badly whenever he was involved.

For some reason during these past few weeks, I’d started to become quite emotional when I spoke. I’d be rattling on about a proposal and all of a sudden I would excuse myself as I felt I was tearing up. I had to go splash cold water on my face. When I get back home from the trip, I would need to have an appointment with my GP. I was so tired and moody all the time, and I’d even gained weight for no reason. Now, I had an added stress factor in the form of Damon The Demon of my dreams.