If Drew suspected why Carla had cut me out of her life was true, I knew it was going to take a lot to just get her to talk to me. But it was worth a try. According to Hayley, Carla was not seeing anyone. While I wasn’t holding out hope that she’d want to try going on a few dates and see where it went, at least I would get to clear the air with her.

I also got to go on a bus tour I’d been wanting to take for quite some time now, so that was a bonus. I had my ticket all set and was so looking forward to Sunday. Drew had even managed to get his friend to make sure I got the seat next to Carla on the bus. This was going to be great. I sighed as I felt a new spring in my step and headed home from Drew’s office to make sure I had everything I needed for the trip.


As I pulled into my driveway, I noticed a car I did not recognize parked in it. I grabbed the duffle bag I’d just bought for my bus trip and hopped out of my car. As I walked toward my front door, it flew open and Celeste came running to meet me.

“Damon,” Celeste said in her delighted voice. “I thought you were never getting home.” She wrapped her arms around me and plastered her lips to mine.

I pulled her off me and stepped back, looking at her warily.

“What are you doing here, Celeste?” I asked her.

I had to change my phone number because every time I’d block her number, she’d get a new number and get through to me. Now she’d found out where I lived!

“Oh, don’t pout,” Celeste put her long finger over my lips. “I missed you so much and your phone seemed to be broken, so I had to come and make sure you were okay.”

“How did you get into my house?” I asked her.

“Oh, I called a locksmith and told them I’d locked myself out.” Celeste grinned.

“You know that’s illegal, right?” I told her as I wondered about her mental state.

“Not if we’re engaged, silly,” Celeste touched her finger to my nose.

“Stop this,” I said annoyed. “You know you’re not allowed to be anywhere near me.”

“No, that’s only in Hawaii,” Celeste told me. “In California, we can be together without my father trying to keep us apart.”

“It’s not your father keeping us apart, Celeste,” I told her as firmly as I could without getting angry at this crazy woman. “We have a restraining orders against you. So, I need you to go.”

“Please, can we just talk?” Celeste looked at me with crocodile tears in her eyes.

“No,” I said and started to walk to the front door but she followed me.

“You know you don’t really want me to go,” Celeste’s voice turned husky.

I carried on walking into the house when I heard the front door close. I turned and found Celeste standing completely naked in my foyer with her dress down by her ankles.

“Put your clothes back on and leave,” I said, taking out my phone. “You leave me with no choice but to report you.”

“Go ahead,” Celeste challenged me. “I’ll tell them that you’re obsessed with me and forced me to come inside.”

“That’s not going to work,” Hayley said as she stepped into the house behind Celeste, not letting Drew inside.

“Why am I being left outside?” I heard Drew say.

I’d never been so relieved to see my friends in all my life.

“This is none of your business.” Celeste turned and glared at Hayley. She was not one bit embarrassed about standing naked in my foyer. “This is between me and Damon.”

“Drew, call the police,” Hayley called through the door.

“Stop!” Celeste held up her hands and started to pull her dress back up. She turned and looked at me, saying spitefully. “Don’t come crying back to me because I won’t take you back ever again.”

“I’m counting on it,” I said as Drew stepped inside after nearly being knocked over by Celeste storming out.

“I take it she’s the reason I was so rudely locked outside,” Drew said as we heard a car engine roar to life and wheel spin before hearing a loud bang.

“What the…” I took off outside to find that Celeste had deliberately crashed into my car. She gave me the finger before squealing away.

“She’s not going to get the deposit back on that rental,” Drew whistled. “I warned both you and Todd not to get involved with my cousin. She’s a whole lot of messed up psycho wrapped in a pretty package.”

“My car,” I hissed as Drew, and I ran out to have a look at the damage Celeste had caused. “Shit.”

“Oh, buddy,” Drew whistled, “that’s not just going to buff out either.” He gave a comical face.