“Yes,” Todd nodded, “but what was it that Hayley wanted to give her guests tomorrow morning when they checked out?”

“A thank you box?” I asked him still trying to act innocent.

“What had to go into that thank you box?” Todd asked me, still not looking up at me.

“Are you asking me if I know? Or are you asking because you’ve forgotten?” I hedged.

“Okay,” Todd put his tablet down and narrowed his eyes at me. “She wanted a treat box with two slices of cake for each guest and a few ganache cupcakes.”

“Yes,” I said, licking my lips. “I’m really looking forward to that. Don’t forget I’m taking a box for my parents and so is Damon.”

“Uh-huh,” Todd stared down at me with the kind of stare a principal gives a misbehaving school child.

“What is this about, Todd?” I asked him. “Don’t you have enough treats for all the wedding guests?”

“Oh, I do,” Todd nodded, “but if there are any more mishaps with the cake, I have no more replacement layers.”

“There is so much cake,” I widened my eyes and shook my head, “and you have your spare.”

“Do I?” Todd looked at me with narrowed eyes. “Because when I checked the spare cake this morning, it looked nothing like the original.”

“Oh,” I hoped I looked shocked enough. “Todd, are you trying to tell me you’re losing your touch?” I had to bite my lip to stop them from twitching into a smile

“Imagine my surprise when I went to organize the treat boxes this morning and found my spare cake ruined.” Todd tapped the tablet screen. “And some of the cupcakes were eaten,” he said, now openly accusing me with his eyes.

“Oh,” I said, trying not to giggle, “you want me to help you find the culprit?”

“No,” Todd shook his head, “we already found them. My surveillance cameras caught all the actions.” He hit play and a hysterical giggle escaped my lips. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

“You make excellent cupcakes,” I looked up at Todd with a big smile.

“You and Damon owe me,” Todd told me.

“Okay,” I looked at him suspiciously. “What is it you want?”

“To cater and bake for yours and Damon’s wedding,” Todd shocked me by saying. “And I want to be part of Damon’s grooms party and Sophia wants to be part of yours.”

“Okay,” I nodded and looked at him as if he was mad. I don’t plan on getting married any time soon. “I can make that deal,” I said to him. “But I have to warn you, it may be some time before I’m walking down the aisle.”

“Or a lot sooner than you think.” Todd gave me a smug smile with a look saying he knew something I didn’t.

I turned around as Ken walked in. “I also want to be part of Damon’s grooms party.” He gave me a hug.

“Why would Damon want you to be part of his wedding party?” I looked at Ken.

“Because Ken and Sophia were the staff members who helped make these two cakes and cupcakes.” Todd grinned down at me. “So, you and Damon owe them too.”

“You’re bribing your way into my wedding and Damon’s wedding in exchange for keeping quiet about our mishap?” I asked them both, wanting to make sure I had the terms of this deal correct.

“Correct,” Ken and Todd said together.

“Okay,” I shrugged, “I can take that deal.” I shook their hands. “But I can’t speak for Damon.” I looked from Todd to Ken. “Who is going to tell Damon about this?” I asked and afterwards wished I never had.

“You are,” Ken and Todd said together once again.

“Ah.” I nodded. “I see. So, this is part of the deal too?” I raised my eyebrow questioningly. “I have to let Damon know about the deal?”

They both nodded.

“You drive a hard bargain.” I sighed. “Okay, I’ll tell him and let you know.” I pointed to the tablet. “But after that, this video gets deleted.” I started to walk out.

“Oh,” Ken called to me, “you look gorgeous by the way.”

“Yes, honey,” Todd said, “you’re going to make a stunning bride.” I heard them pack up with laughter as I left the kitchen.

Bunch of idiots I thought with a smile knowing that they were toying with me. Men, really! I’d grown up with those two buffoons. They were like the big brothers I never had. They were always messing with me. As I walked back to the bride and groom’s table, my phone beeped. I looked at the message and rolled my eyes. It was a picture of myself and Damon stealing the spare wedding cake from Todd’s fridge.

I turned to see Ken and Todd laughing. I glared at them but fought the urge to pull a tongue like I would’ve done when I was ten.

“Are those two bullying you?” Sophia who was having a drink with Damon at the main table asked me and patted the seat next to her for me to sit down.