Sometime during the night, I woke up to find Carla curled up beside me. My arm that was handcuffed to hers had pins and needles in it. But I loved the feeling of her soft warm body against mine so I did not move until the pins and needles became painful. I gently rolled her but her arm reached out and landed on my chest. I swallowed and moved my free hand to cover hers.

I had to move her onto her back so I could move my now very numb arm and get some blood flowing through it again. As I rolled her onto her back I couldn’t resist gently pressing a kiss on her lips. Carla’s free hand snaked up around my neck and pulled my lips back onto hers.

“Carla,” I whispered when her hand fell away. She didn’t answer and that’s when I realized she was still fast asleep. I fell asleep wondering what or who she’d been dreaming about when she’d kissed me.


A loud pounding on the room door woke us up the next morning. I realized that Carla was pressed up right against me and my hand was covering her one breast. I froze. Our heads turned to look at each other and that’s when I felt it. Carla’s handcuffed hand was cupping my bits with my hand over hers.

Our eyes locked but neither of us moved. I wasn’t sure whose head started moving toward whose first, but our lips joined in a passionate kiss. My hand moved and gently stroked the breast it was holding onto while Carla’s other hand started to stroke me through my sweats.

“Carla, Damon,” Drew shouted through the door. “Have you two seen what time it is?”

At first we didn’t register what Drew had said as Carla moved closer to me and my hand slid beneath her sweater to touch her warm skin.

“Okay,” Drew banged on the door again. “I’m coming in!”

The door clicked, breaking us out of our daze. We jumped apart and both tried to roll off our sides of the bed, but got stuck with our hands across the middle of the bed.

“Huh,” Drew stood in the doorway with raised eyebrows. “Seems I came just in time.”

Drew stepped up to Carla’s side of the bed and unlocked the handcuffs.

“Is Hayley still disappointed with us?” Carla asked Drew, rubbing her wrist.

“I don’t think so,” Drew told me, “but as I haven’t seen her since you two escaped last night, you’ll have to ask her yourself. She sent one of her other minions to tell me to come and free you both and to tell you to get your ass to her room this minute.”

“I’ll just have a shower and get dressed quickly,” Carla didn’t look at me again before she disappeared into the bathroom.

I got up and followed Drew out of Carla’s room. I would speak to Carla once the wedding was over because I was sure she was just as attracted to me as I was to her. I gently pulled her room door closed as Drew and I left. It was going to be a long day today.



The reception had been beautiful, and Hayley looked like a princess. The look on Drew’s face when she’d walked down the aisle was priceless. It was like he’d just fallen in love with her all over again. That’s the kind of look I hope my husband will get when he sees me walk down the aisle, as well as every single day we are together.

The hotel had done an exceptional job with the marquee, and I was relieved when all the photos and speeches were over with. Hayley and Drew took the floor for their first dance as husband and wife. I was not looking forward to having to join them in a few minutes. But we’d all agreed that Damon and I could stand to one side and sway harmlessly to avoid any unnecessary injuries on Hayley and Drew’s wedding day.

Damon, looking gorgeous in his tuxedo, walked over to me and offered me his hand when we were called to join the bride and groom.

“Just relax and sway with me.” Damon pulled me close. I could feel his warmth and smell his cologne. My head spun and my stomach clenched with the butterflies fluttering in it. “You look ravishing, Carla.” His voice was close to my ear. “I’m glad you managed to find a replacement dress.”

“Thank you,” I said softly, “you clean up quite well yourself.” I smiled. I was going to lean back and smile but I wasn’t going to chance any sudden movements on the dance floor.

“Are you smiling at me?” Damon asked. I could hear the grin in his voice.

“Yes,” I whispered back. “I was going to look up at you but decided not to make any sudden movements.”