We snuck out of Carla’s room and took the elevator to the lobby. When we stepped out, guess who were the first people we came across? Hayley, Drew, and a few of the other wedding guests.

Shit, we were busted.

Hayley shouted at us to stop as I grabbed Carla’s hand and took off in the direction of the kitchens.

We were laughing as we ran hand in hand through the corridor. Carla gave the main kitchen door a shove before we ducked off into the small kitchen that joined the room the wedding marquee was attached to. We ran and ducked down behind a counter trying to not laugh as we sat and waited. Slowly we made our way toward the door that led into the bar lounge, which is where the wedding was taking place the next day.

We heard voices on the lounge side of the door and on the side of the door we’d come into the room. They knew we were not in the kitchen. There was a small dark room that we quietly made our way to and slid inside. As the door clicked shut, we realized we were in a temperature-controlled room where the beautiful wedding cake had been placed earlier today.

We hid as best we could, knowing no one would open the door to this room but it had a small window so we pulled ourselves into small balls and sat on the side of the door against the wall in the darkest corner.

“They aren’t in here,” we heard Drew say. “They must’ve slipped out into the marquee. “You stay and watch the doors in the lounge. We’ll go outside.”

“Isn’t it cute how well they are working together now?” we heard Hayley say.

“They cheated very well together the whole day,” one of the bridesmaids grumbled, making us want to laugh. “I think your plan may be working a little too well; you’ve created monsters.”

The room went quiet but we were still stuck in the cold room for a while.



It was getting cold so Damon and I snuggled up together. We chatted away about random things and as we hardly ate at dinner we started to get hungry. We were about to leave the fridge when the door opened and we could hear giggling. Cautiously, Damon and I peered through the small fridge window to find a couple who looked like they were about to have sex on the couch that was on the far corner of the room.

We ducked down as the man took off his shirt and threw it on the counter near the little room we were in.

“Shit!” I whispered. “What do we do now?”

“We have to wait,” Damon grinned. “If we try to sneak out now, we’ll be caught.”

“But I’m starving,” I whispered.

“There’s a perfectly good cake,” Damon raised his eyebrow. “If I remember correctly, it is a damn good cake filled with caramel.”

“We can’t do that!” I looked at Damon shocked. “It’s Hayley’s wedding cake.”

“I know,” Damon sighed and rubbed his hands together to warm them.

“How long do you think those two are going to be?” I asked Damon and took a quick peek through the door.

When I stepped back, I knocked right into the cake. I stopped and stood dead, my eyes open wide in horror.

“Don’t make any sudden moves,” Damon slowly stood up and walked toward me. “I’m going to slide my hand in between you and the cake. Are you ready?” he whispered.

I nodded and he ran his warm hand across the small of my back.

“Step forward slowly,” Damon gently stabilized the cake.

As I stepped forwards slowly, Damon moved his hand upward toward the top of the cake and knocked my hoodie. The hoodie somehow got hooked over the small layer on top of the cake. I didn’t know and walked forward before Damon could stop me. The top layer scraped off the cake. Before the cake hit the floor, Damon caught it but it plopped and broke apart in his hands.

I heard Damon swear and turned around with a hoodie full of frosting. I found Damon standing with the ruined top layer oozing over his hands. Our eyes both grew wide as we realized we’d destroyed Hayley’s cake.

“At least now you can have some,” Damon offered me a piece.

Of course, I wasn’t going to say no to the cake, but what the hell were we going to do about the broken top layer of the cake?

“I say we clean this mess up. Sneak out and pretend we know nothing about it,” Damon still held a piece of the broken cake in his hands.

“We can’t do that,” I said. My mind raced for a solution and then I remembered something. “We are going to have to break in and get the backup cake.”

“What?” Damon looked at me shocked.

“Well, it’s not really breaking in as I have a key to Todd’s restaurant and I know the combination to the alarm,” I reasoned out my idea. “We can put this cake in the other cakes place and try to piece it together as best we can.” I took a mouthful of the bits of cake in Damon’s hands.