While the teams were being tied together, Carla and I decided that if we couldn’t beat them, we were going to unite and win this competition.

The rule we found out was that if one partner didn’t trust the other, or if they argued, and couldn’t come up with a plan of how to get over an obstacle or complete the task, they were disqualified. Those who worked together competed with the other teams working together to win the task. The two teams that came in last had to leave the competition.

But even if a team was disqualified or had to drop out of the competition, they were not allowed to take off their ties. Everyone was tied together for the duration of the sports day right through to the prize giving. Drew and Hayley had timed our handcuffing very well. It was almost like they’d known all along that Carla and I would have gone head to head to compete with each other if we had not been tied together.

Well, since we were already in this sticky situation, we decided that we wanted to win the competition. Together. We would show everyone that we are the best team ever and no one could get along like we would. We were not sure what the events were but no matter what, today we would stick together, strategize together, and win! When we won that caramel-filled chocolate trophy, we weren’t sharing that sucker with anyone else. Victory and sticky chocolate were going to be ours even if we had to play dirty.

I was amazed at how well Carla could read people and what she knew about all the wedding guests. She knew all their strengths and weaknesses and I knew how to exploit strengths and weaknesses. We had our strategy all worked out as we climbed into our double sack for the starting event. The all-important sack race. Carla and I lined up at the starting line and grinned at each other. This one was going to be a breeze and put us at number one on the leaderboard. We were both fit and Carla had seen the other guests running. So, we knew who to knock off if we had to.

Carla’s plan was going to set a lot of rumors flying about us but as she said, everyone obviously already knew we spent the night together. So, we were really going to give them something to talk about. I was actually glad I was on Carla’s team.

Garry, who was the referee, fired the starter pistol and we went off at striding hop. I was impressed at how strong Carla’s shapely legs were as she bounced along with me. Two of the guests were neck and neck with us for the finish when Carla turned around and said to me, “I think tonight we should stay in my room.”

Carla smiled seductively up at me. I nearly lost my balance but had to keep cool as I knew she was using shock tactics to make the woman of our competition fumble. This particular woman was a right busybody and prude. “The water pressure is much better in there as your shower was a little of a let-down.”

I nearly fumbled again when Carla winked at me. Our two main competitors did fumble when the woman of the team literally misstepped trying to hop sideways to hear what we were saying. That team went down like a sack of potatoes while Carla and I hopped through the blue ribbon, winning the first race. We also knocked one of our fiercest competitors out of the race. All was fair in sport and chocolate!

Carla and I had remained in first place throughout the day with Drew and Hayley a close second. There were four teams left for the semi-final, which was the first of the mystery events added by Drew and Hayley. When we saw what it was, I saw Carla pale.

“Are you okay?”

“Some freakin’ friend!” Carla hissed as she swallowed and looked up at the obstacles in the trees.

“Carla, are you afraid of heights?” I asked her, seeing the fear in her eyes.

“More like a paralyzing fear of heights,” Carla looked at me. “I’m sorry, Damon, but I think we should just volunteer to back out now.”

“What? No way, partner. We’ve come this far, we are not backing out now.”

“Do you remember me in the elevator?” She asked me. “That has nothing on the fear and panic I have of heights.”

“Okay,” I pulled Carla off to one side. “The whole day we’ve trusted each other’s instincts and pulled each other through the obstacles.” She nodded. “You are going to be attached to a harness, so even if you fall, you won’t hit the ground.”

“Zip lining,” Carla breathed and I frowned. “I zip line because I know I’m attached to a harness. Granted, I kept my eyes closed the entire time.”