I got dressed in a top which had no sleeves or straps and I accompanied it with shorts. For Damon, we had to cut one side of his T-shirt and then awkwardly pin it together. By the time we’d finished getting dressed, our stomachs ached from laughing and our headaches were nearly gone from the aspirin I dished out.

We ordered room service while trying to figure out how the hell we managed to get attached to each other during the course of the previous evening. As we were awkwardly tucking into our breakfast, there was a knock on the door. It was Hayley and Drew. They didn’t seem surprised to see us cuffed together.

And what do you know, turns out they were the one who cuffed us with the help of the rest of the bridal party. An image of witch hunters flashed through my mind.

“Drew and I have decided that we are tired of the two people who are so important to us not getting along,” Hayley explained. “You have both worked so hard to make this week special for us, yet you are both determined to ruin or undermine each other’s hard work.”

“By playing against each other here,” Drew continued, “you’re making us your games.”

I suddenly felt so small and selfish. In my quest to destroy Damon, I had completely walked all over my friends’ trust in me to ensure the week was special.

“I’m sorry,” I looked at Hayley and Drew. “I promise that I will put my differences with Damon aside and not let him goad me into any more antics.”

“What she said,” Damon glanced at me sideways, “no more goading or competition between us. From here on out, we will work together harmoniously.”

“Thank you,” Hayley smiled at us. “That is all I wanted to hear.” She stood up and Drew stood too. “We are looking forward to the last few days.”

“I’m looking forward to the rehearsal dinner tonight,” Drew rubbed his stomach. “Today we have the attached fun sports day.”

“We’ve added two special events to both of the activities lists,” Hayley gave us a smug smile. “I think they will be good for the both of you and will help you get over your distrust of each other.”

“We don’t distrust each other,” Damon and I said together. I got the feeling he was just as suspicious as I was about what Hayley had just said.

“Are you going to set us free before you go?” I asked Hayley and Drew as they went to the door.

“No,” Hayley turned to look at me. “You and Damon will stay attached until we see you are truly getting along.”

“If we don’t think you are making a concerted effort...” Drew shrugged and grinned at them. “I have no problem telling people our best friends were out on a special pass for the day.” His grin got bigger at my shocked look.

“Don’t tease them, Drew,” Hayley swatted Drew in the chest. “Carla, you can’t do the sports planned for today dressed like that.”

“What do you want me to do?” I held up my handcuffed hand.

Hayley opened my door and a hulking brute stood there.

“You remember Calvin from Ken’s club?” Hayley bit her lip as I watched her struggle not to laugh. “He will be here outside your doors.”

“He is going to take off your handcuffs so you can both get dressed properly,” Drew’s smile broadened even more as he looked at Damon’s shirt, “we can’t have pin-up boy here risk having his pins pop open and hurt him.” He burst out laughing.

Damon and I glanced at each other. I thought Hayley and Drew’s plan for me and Damon had already started to work. We both wanted to kill Drew at this moment, and by the look in Damon’s eyes, he too was planning an escape.



This was such bullshit. I couldn’t believe that Carla and I had to spend the day handcuffed to each other. One good thing was that the event planned for today was called the ‘cuffed sports day’. It was organized by the hotel and we were just given the gist of what it was.

Everyone had to team up with a partner and had to have their wrists tied together. And all activities had to be done that way. Only all the other wedding guests got a nice long satin ribbon that would not hurt them when they were tied together.

Carla and I had police standard handcuffs and a bodyguard that reminded me of Shrek. I had to stop Carla from drugging him and painting him green the entire day. The rest of the wedding guests who were not at the party last night were also informed of my and Carla’s shame and told why we were handcuffed to each other. We thought if we apologized to all the guests, Hayley and Drew would see we were making a concerted effort but they would not budge.