That’s when things started to get even blurrier. We ran into Hayley and Drew leading a group of their party guests. I can remember Carla saying it looked like they were all on a witch hunt and we were the witches they were hunting. We turned to flee but ran into two bouncers from Ken’s club. I couldn’t even remember Ken being at the party. That was the last thing I remember.



I woke up feeling like a rat had died in my mouth and feeling like I had a fever. Worse, I was sure there was a marching band in my head celebrating my pain. My stomach rolled and I felt really nauseous. I needed to phone the hotel’s Chef Paul for his miracle hangover cure. I had a big day today as the rehearsal dinner was tonight, but all I really wanted to do was curl up in a little ball and feel miserable until this hangover passed.

I went to turn over but found I couldn’t pull my arm. It was attached to something heavy and whatever was around my wrist hurt like crazy. My eyes flew open and the bright rays of sunlight pouring into the room viciously stabbed my eyeballs. Christ, I was so drunk last night I’d forgotten to draw the blinds. The room felt like it was lit with a bright stage light. I had to keep my eyes shut for a few seconds as the burning pain in my eyes subsided. Had I been turned into a vampire during the night?

I decided to try and open my eyes again. But this time, one at a time. I slowly opened my one eye and the room came into focus. I kept my other eye shut as I looked around the room with my one eye.

That was strange. I couldn’t remember that picture on the wall in my hotel room. I forced my other eye open and let the dots settle before I turned my head to see what was attached to my arms.

“What the hell!” I shouted and sat straight up on the bed, and immediately regretted that action as pain ripped through my skull and my stomach threatened to empty its contents.

I was handcuffed to Damon, and by the look of my raw wrist, I had been for a couple of hours.

Oh shit, did we...? I quickly scanned my body. I was still fully clothed! Thank goodness. I breathed a sigh of relief. So was Damon. But how the hell did we get handcuffed together? I could remember most of the night. My cheeks flamed as I remembered we had a few passionate moments. But we were both a bit drunk from all the drinking games we’d won.

I also needed to go to the toilet rather badly. I sat up and looked around at the table next to me for the key. It was not on my table. I looked over at the table on Damon’s side, wondering if it was there. The only way I could look for it was to go over Damon.

I gave the handcuffs a good tug but Damon didn’t stir. He was still passed out. I took a deep breath and managed to carefully straddle him. With my free hand, I was able to look for the key on his side table.

Shit, it wasn’t there either! I needed to go to the toilet and… Uh! I felt something growing near the region of my bum cheeks that sat just on the band around Damon’s pants. It was true what they said about men and mornings. Something stirred in response to Damon’s growing arousal. I tried to move off him, but before I could, a low moan escaped his throat, and he gripped my hips and rolled me onto my back.

My pulse started to race as he moved the lower half of his body against mine and nuzzled my neck. This had not gone at all the way I’d planned it to. By the time his lips found my mouth, I was starting to feel a dull aching need at the apex of my legs. Before I could lose all my senses, I started to wiggle and tried to push him off me.

Damon’s eyes flew open and met mine. He looked stunned for a moment before his brows creased together and he rolled onto his back. He tried to pull his handcuffed arm, only to realize it was attached to mine.

“What the hell?” Damon hissed and sat up, putting his free hand to his temples. “Why are we handcuffed?” He looked at me accusingly as I sat up next to him.

“I have no idea,” I said, glaring at him. “I was trying to look for the key when you attacked me.”

“I attacked you?” He raised his eyebrows. “You were sitting on top of me wiggling away. It was a natural reaction for a man being teased.”