I had to stay behind to make sure the karaoke equipment was properly taken and packed away by the hotel’s night staff. Damon had surprised me and offered to help. Once everything was packed up, the bartender poured us each another drink and invited us to sit at the bar until he’d finished closing up.

Damon asked him to put on a slow song and pulled me onto the floor for a dance.

“Haven’t you had enough dance punishment for one day?” I laughed as he drew me in close to his body.

“I could never get enough of dancing with you, Carla,” he said softly into my ear as he gently maneuvered me into a slow dance. “Just move with me.” His voice was hoarse, low, and seductive.

“Okay,” I whispered back and put my head on his shoulder letting him lead me.

“Don’t look now,” Damon said into my ear, “but you’re dancing.”

“I am,” I looked up at him and smiled.

Our eyes locked and held as our bodies still moved together. My chin lifted as his face drew nearer to mine. Before our lips touched, an angry voice shouted from the door of the room.

“Damon,” the female voice was laced with a French accent. “This is why you left me in Paris alone with our child growing in me.”

What the women said was like a cold slap in the face. I stiffened and my head spun around. I pushed away from Damon, confused and a little dazed.

Damon had tensed the moment he’d heard his name called. I’d noticed a flicker of anger in his eyes as he’d turned to look at the woman standing in the doorway with a heap of luggage.

“What?” I looked at Damon stunned, a feeling of deja vu coming over me. “You’re married?” My brow wrinkled as I looked at him questioningly. “You know what.” I held up my hands. “I don’t care.”

I pushed past Damon, ignoring him as he called to me to wait and let him explain.

As I walked past Miss Frenchie, she grabbed my arm and hissed at me.

“Stay away from Damon.” Her eyes glared spitefully down at me. “Do you understand me?”

“You can have him,” I swatted her hand off my arm. “Don’t ever touch me again. Is that clear?” I warned her and saw her instantly take a step back. Clearly no one had ever stood up to the bitch before. She was another bully like Celeste. Clearly Damon was attracted to their type.


I was still seething the next day. I was not sure why I was seething; I couldn’t really care less about Damon’s love life. I thought I was just upset that he didn’t find it in himself to let me know he was married. Why hadn’t Drew or Hayley mentioned that?

“Carla!” Hayley snapped her fingers, making me jump, and pulled me from my thoughts.

“Sorry,” I looked at her and drew in a breath. “Oh, Hayley, you look amazing.” Tears well up in my eyes. “With the adjustments, the dress now fits you like a glove. It’s fabulous on you.”

“I know,” Hayley waved a hand at her face trying to stop herself from crying.

“I’d give you some champagne but I would rather you were out of that beautiful gown first,” I looked at her with big eyes.

“You look tired,” Hayley lifted an eyebrow and gave me a knowing look, “late night?”

“Yes,” I gave her a smile, “I had to get the equipment packed away.”

“And…” Hayley’s eyes narrowed at me.

“And nothing,” I raised my eyebrows at her.

“Damon was pretty eager to stay behind and help,” Hayley stepped out her wedding dress and the attendant took it away as Hayley took a glass of champagne.

“He just didn’t want to look like he wasn’t pulling his weight for the wedding,” I shrugged.

“Oh, come on,” Hayley frowned at me while putting her regular clothes back on. “I don’t believe you. Plus, there’s something going on with your face.”

“Nothing’s going on with my face.” I gave her a serious look.

“I know that look.” Hayley wouldn’t let it go. “What did he do this time?”

“What did who do?” I hedged as I stepped into the changing room to wait for my bridesmaid’s dress. Hayley had chosen it but I have yet to see the dress. She told me it was a surprise and she already knew my size. Plus I trust her choices, so I already know I’m going to love it.

The shop assistant brought the box in.

“Here you are, my dear,” the woman said. “Let me help you put it on.”

I gladly accepted the help until I saw myself in the mirror.

“It is a strange choice considering the theme of the wedding,” the shop assistant said, echoing somewhat of my thoughts.

“Excuse me?” I heard Hayley ask the women, “What do you mean? Carla’s dress is beautiful. I wouldn’t have my bridesmaids…”